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Nina & Alan and Serena - Part #1

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6 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

Nunca pode ser como Zoi Tim e Rachel porque a VH não prometeu nada ... e, uma vez que a serena chegou, a cumplicidade era realmente diferente ... mesmo quando raquel estava nu ao lado tim, eles não tiveram nenhuma cumplicidade entre eles 

Edit: And you had already more hot moments with serena alan nina then with the others three... so the comparing don't make much sense.. 

Well lets agree to desagree.I like a lot to see Alan,Nina and Serena and to me they get along nicely.If you have the oposite opinion it's as acceptable as my one.

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1 minute ago, ze81 said:

Tastes..to me this house and the way the act,not hidding cams,not doing things underblankets etc always make this house one of the best,to me seems almost an sacrilege to compare it to kplpnothings.But Gess it's personal tastes,some like for exemple Alex and Anna place and to me it's just not appealing.

Didn't see no one doing that

I totally understand you enjoy the house.. just think is 'too much' (sorry, not the best expression to say what i want, but english is complicated :biggrin:) being from 80 to 8 in less then 24h when good thing had happen for the health of the house.... and in the end of it we just have had now a nice round of anal sex 

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5 minutes ago, ze81 said:

Well lets agree to desagree.I like a lot to see Alan,Nina and Serena and to me they get along nicely.If you have the oposite opinion it's as acceptable as my one.

I think you must read again my words... that's what i wrote... the relation between Alan, Nina and Serena is so better and different  that can't be compared 

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