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Girls on Vacation ~ Chat Comments, & Quotes made by Noldus August 2017

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1 hour ago, Peanut_Brotha said:

Are you trying to tell me that it's NOT normal to waste time commenting on something you don't watch, hate, and obviously have no interest in? Huh...imagine that. I guess I'll need to cancel my membership to that Croatian speed knitting forum:dodgy:


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56 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

Now you know how I feel like to hear you guys bitch over and over and over again about the same shit day after day,,, you don't have rosed colored glasses,,you and your friends just are old and miserable and love to bitch and cry.

Who is more stupid,,these ladies taking your money while not doing shit or you still giving your money to a company that you hate and to the same women who you hate and bitch about everyday?

While you complain they are just taking your money and everyone else's money who hates thenm yet still pay for them to be there,,,, there has to be a word out there that describes people who pay for a service they hate.::)::)

It's even better than that..They're in the VHTV section bitching about the same things they bitch in here about.. I wonder how many of them are paying for both RLC and VHTV???:biggrin:

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7 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

It's even better than that..They're in the VHTV section bitching about the same things they bitch in here about.. I wonder how many of them are paying for both RLC and VHTV???:biggrin:

ROFLMAO :biggrin::biggrin:

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17 minutes ago, Thestarider said:

Well this has been realy interesting read, seems like as always we get quite sidetracked after the girls have a fun night getting wasted, and this time in house and still nothing but complaints. beat the shit out of me what will make these blue ballers happy Foamy.

:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:  I was just like them until I got married at 29. Partied all night til the sun comes was our motto, along with ONWARD through the FOG !!!!! SEX, DRUGS, and ROCK and ROLL !!! I for one appreciated the girls having a good time, reminded me of the good ole' days :biggrin:

Maybe that's why so many people on here are so angry and miserable,,,blue balls hurt,,,and they make you very cranky:biggrin::biggrin:


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il y a 6 minutes, Stormshaedow a dit :

Elle était sur le balcon, maintenant dans la salle de bain ...

Thank you Storm, for some time Sofie and Nicole we can disappear and still be in the apartment. ..

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10 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

It's even better than that..They're in the VHTV section bitching about the same things they bitch in here about.. I wonder how many of them are paying for both RLC and VHTV???:biggrin:



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