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Lisa & Em - Part #1

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2 minutes ago, zoifan said:

I am confused about Lisa's sleep habit. It is 6:05 AM and she does not looking someone need some sleep. 


Maybe the video clock is not correct?

I think the clock is reasonable right. It's daylight outside of Misty's LR window.

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@jabbath1987 good news! I believe I have located dog :biggrin:. The only camera that shows the shelf he was on is camera 5 in the bedroom.  If you follow the timeline on that camera for 30 August 18:35 to 18:36 you will see that Lisa whilst cleaning moved him to the extreme left hand edge of the shelf which actually means he is out of sight because the shelf is recessed. Neither of the other camera show the shelf so we cannot verify that but the timeline is pretty conclusive evidence.

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33 minutes ago, MajorVoyeur said:

I think they all retired to her bedroom. 


30 minutes ago, Chip2020 said:

All three are in bed together.

In fact it is all six of them as Panda, Dog and Seal have been brought down off the shelf. Don't know how this is going to work out.



Take a quick selfie of the group


That may be a better arrangement


Lewis cops a feel but will not put the phone down


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At last Lisa gets Lewis on his own



Lisa, you are going to get a lot of stick if you stay under the sheets and don't go to sleep


Lewis going to have a wet finger shortly but I think Lisa wants to sleep a bit first


FFS - first the phone then cigarette



and then 'spooning'


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