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Lisa & Em - Part #1

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41 minutes ago, Rhdem said:

11 guys i forgot the 2 in the loggia


41 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

Really whats that gonna be?

11 guys and two secrets?
This is record in VH for an apartment in one go.
Is Misty setting the agenda for the week?

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Insanity..  They do this all the time.  Lisa invites a bunch of guys.  One or two gets super drunk and becomes a complete ass.  That's generally the one Misty winds up with.  They go down to her apartment, for some reason she's not that turned on and problems ensue.  The definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result..  As in here.. 

Or someone will try to get in Lisa's pants and will get rejected.  If that person doesn't raise hell, they'll wind up going home pissed off with one hell of a case of blue balls..  

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11 guys vs 2 girls in a party!!!  We have a VH record here

It seems that there is a surplus of guys in these Russian cities. Perhaps that is why VH planning gay apartment? to put these guys in a good use?

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