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Lisa & Em - Part #1

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4 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

I'm not talking about the crying yesterday and today... that i believe it could be related

I was talking about the crying yesterday (one thing) and lewis coming at night (other thing)

Well, maybe the crying and Lewis were related. no one of us knows.

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12 minutes ago, jabbath1987 said:

Maybe she's in love with Lewis and he does not share her feelings...

It's a possibility. With Lisa you never know. I thought Lewis will never come back again after their argument of sept.15.

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5 hours ago, miscvoyeur said:

You actually never said this. BTW, it's "you're." 


1. I never said that I could or would never be in a relationship with a single woman. It is quite possible to only date one woman and have sex with others (ie: Alex, Henry, Drew, Grisha, Tim, Jeka, Layne.. and also Nina, Edda, Anna, Bree). I mainly stated that I could nor would never only have sex with only one.

2. Again I bring up Misty who also is incapable of being in a relationship with a single man. You can't make blanket statements like this without encompassing all that it falls under. This is the problem with your broad assumptions about things you know very little about. 

I actually did say this, my quote was "He said before he could never be monogamous, most misogynists are incapable of being monogamous", he was meaning you,  and misogynist referring to you.  And you did say on here that you could never be monogamous. In fact you just proved it by saying you couldn't have sex with only on person at a time. That's the definition of monogamous, or have a sexual relationship with one partner at a time,look it up.And as usual you try to put words in my mouth,  you state that people can date one person and have sex with others, i never said that wasn't possible, unfortunately Monogamous means being married to or in a sexual relationship with one person. Everyone you mention there is not in a monogamous relationship. They are all in relationships, most very happy and that's what counts, but by definition aren't in monogamous relationships. And you accuse me of making blanket statements, what do you call saying that Misty is incapable of being in a relationship with a single man, how the f do you know or believe that? Misty is in total control of her life style, and a lot of people prefer to be single, or not in a committed relationship,, it doesn't mean they're incapable of being in one. We can go back and forth like this for days I'm sure, but it's boring to everyone else on here, so unless you say something in response to this that's totally ridiculous, you can have the final word and we'll move on.  Oh and you forgot your comma after Misty in your previous statement. 

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Just now, ashleyxyz said:

I actually did say this, my quote was "He said before he could never be monogamous, most misogynists are incapable of being monogamous", he was meaning you,  and misogynist referring to you.  And you did say on here that you could never be monogamous. In fact you just proved it by saying you couldn't have sex with only on person at a time. That's the definition of monogamous, or have a sexual relationship with one partner at a time,look it up.And as usual you try to put words in my mouth,  you state that people can date one person and have sex with others, i never said that wasn't possible, unfortunately Monogamous means being married to or in a sexual relationship with one person. Everyone you mention there is not in a monogamous relationship. They are all in relationships, most very happy and that's what counts, but by definition aren't in monogamous relationships. And you accuse me of making blanket statements, what do you call saying that Misty is incapable of being in a relationship with a single man, how the f do you know or believe that? Misty is in total control of her life style, and a lot of people prefer to be single, or not in a committed relationship,, it doesn't mean they're incapable of being in one. We can go back and forth like this for days I'm sure, but it's boring to everyone else on here, so unless you say something in response to this that's totally ridiculous, you can have the final word and we'll move on.  Oh and you forgot your comma after Misty in your previous statement. 

OMG just let it go. It was a stupid thing to argue about in the first place. I've already forgotten about this.

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