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Lisa & Em - Part #1

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2 hours ago, Amy3 said:

And apparently, Misty does not like the idea of her ex's being with other women that she knows. So, that fight a lot time ago must have been about that. Misty couldn't handle the idea of Lewis being with Lisa, but Lisa liked Lewis. 

No. And Lewis is not her Ex BF. He numbered. Just then there was no project. There are no special problems in this aspect. Really. If #29 ran to the bedroom with Lisa. Then there would be problems. And only for the current moment. For example. If the blonde guy went with Lisa - Misty would not mind.

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13 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Ok, ok, it was real. Kill me! 

Hey all, Looked limp for a while, then it hardened up real good. So this is Lewis, Lisa been with him before, and he was with Misty also at some point i believe. You think he's a player Amy? What made yiu think tha?

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This sex session was funny weird and typical all rolled into one.

I hadn't even realized that was Lewis or Luiz or however you want to spell his name but I wasn't surprised Lisa called him up after the last abysmal attempt at sex from the last guy she was with. 

At one point Luis Em and Lisa were all in the bedroom. When Lisa stepped out, Luis tried to fuck Em but she refused. This guy has some major balls to go after her with her guy friend sleeping in the living room AND Lisa presumably in the kitchen. I thought it was hilarious personally and gets a ton of points for trying.

Love him or hate him, he knows exactly how Lisa operates. During the first half in typical Lisa fashion, she kept pushing him away, fighting off his advances, turning her head away when he wanted to kiss her, Luis kept pushing the issue and ignoring all her fighting and eventually she gave in and let him do whatever he wanted. At times Lisa's expressions varied from pleasure to deadpan. 

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1 minute ago, miscvoyeur said:

This sex session was funny weird and typical all rolled into one.

I hadn't even realized that was Lewis or Luiz or however you want to spell his name but I wasn't surprised Lisa called him up after the last abysmal attempt at sex from the last guy she was with. 

At one point Luis Em and Lisa were all in the bedroom. When Lisa stepped out, Luis tried to fuck Em but she refused. This guy has some major balls to go after her with her guy friend sleeping in the living room AND Lisa presumably in the kitchen. I thought it was hilarious personally and gets a ton of points for trying.

Love him or hate him, he knows exactly how Lisa operates. During the first half in typical Lisa fashion, she kept pushing him away, fighting off his advances, turning her head away when he wanted to kiss her, Luis kept pushing the issue and ignoring all her fighting and eventually she gave in and let him do whatever he wanted. At times Lisa's expressions varied from pleasure to deadpan. 

That's a pretty spot on report of what happened, they looked like they we're wrestling a bit at first, and he was trying to pin her, literally, Now i know why Amy calls him a player, trying to f Em with her "date" right there, and Lisa in the wings.In my opinion she got little pleasure from it, . It's a step up from the fool she was with the other night, but he was lower than the bottom rung, so there is no place to go but up. I got a whole bunch of guys that would treat her so nice, and actually take her out for dinner and go dancing and drinks afterward. 

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1 minute ago, ashleyxyz said:

I got a whole bunch of guys that would treat her so nice, and actually take her out for dinner and go dancing and drinks afterward. 

Sounds like a bunch of simps to me and in the crew of guys that Lisa has turned down in spades in the past.

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Just now, miscvoyeur said:

Sounds like a bunch of simps to me and in the crew of guys that Lisa has turned down in spades in the past.

They're not simps, if she just wants guys to come over and drink her liquor, eat her food and then get with her in a drunken stupor at the end of the night, then they wouldn't be for her. These guys would get her out of the house, and not just over to Mistys, and have some fun, take her to a concert or a movie, normal stuff that i don't think you would understand . I guess you think the dolt last week was a good man she shouldnt turn down, a drunken asshole who can't hold his liquor, is a cheap prick who didn't spend a dime on here, ate and drank everything in the house, and his dick was as limp as a wet noodle when it came time to perform.  That's whats called a simp, and a total f'n loser.

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9 hours ago, zoifan said:


I expect Sid and Em will have sex tonight %80.

I just hope they do it in the bedroom, for the camera view.


Well, it didn't happened. But I learned that when Sid is involved or he is around, there is no point of  having hope for Em. 


I hope we don't see Sid often here. 



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