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Violet & Jeff Part #1

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There are times when Jeff & Violet go out of sight, and I can't find them on any cam, but I can hear voices still, according to the apartment layout only the hall doesn't have a cam. There really needs to be a cam there also.

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5 minutes ago, broxman said:

There are times when Jeff & Violet go out of sight, and I can't find them on any cam, but I can hear voices still, according to the apartment layout only the hall doesn't have a cam. There really needs to be a cam there also.

They are often in the kitchen right underneath of the kitchen cam smoking. If they aren't there then they might be in the closet. For some reason, I guess cause that's where their clothes are, they go in there to change. Sometimes you can miss them. The other spot is the room right off the livingroom on the way to the bathroom and bedroom. You can see the door from cam3. There is another small room in there that doesn't not have a cam. This is where the front door is. I asked in the beginning if they would consider putting a cam in there, but they declined. I think it's a safe space to go when they need to be off cam, but don't want to leave the apt. Plus, I think it's rather tiny and would be a waste of a cam. More then likely you're not missing much.

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5 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

They are often in the kitchen right underneath of the kitchen cam smoking. If they aren't there then they might be in the closet. For some reason, I guess cause that's where their clothes are, they go in there to change. Sometimes you can miss them. The other spot is the room right off the livingroom on the way to the bathroom and bedroom. You can see the door from cam3. There is another small room in there that doesn't not have a cam. This is where the front door is. I asked in the beginning if they would consider putting a cam in there, but they declined. I think it's a safe space to go when they need to be off cam, but don't want to leave the apt. Plus, I think it's rather tiny and would be a waste of a cam. More then likely you're not missing much.

It doesn't really bother me, it's just sometimes I pop in to the apartment and go through all the cams and don't see anybody and think they are not home, so I end up going elsewhere, when in reality they are at at home and I miss them.

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I know how you feel. I do it all the time too. General rule is, if you see any lights on they are home. They are pretty good about turning the lights off when they leave.

@Violet&Jeff This is probably some good advice. If you're home leave a light on in the living room or kitchen and if you're not home turn all of the lights off. Sometimes people don't see you because you're beneath the kitchen cam or you are in the room off the living room where there is no cam. If people see the lights on, then they'll know you are home. :heart:

It's good that you leave the apartment to explore the city and have fun outside.  Don't ever feel like you have to stay there all of the time. The quality of your life is what's most important. :heart:

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