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Nina & Alan and Serena - Part #2

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3 minutes ago, ashleyxyz said:

The way she's positioned from this veiw, she looks like she's all scrunched up, and probably has that look of shock and fear on her face with her eyes wide open when he does this crap.

Yep! He was out of control of his emotions. He did in fact lay his angry hands on her and made sure to keep his angered voice out of range of the cams. 

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12 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Yep! He was out of control of his emotions. He did in fact lay his angry hands on her and made sure to keep his angered voice out of range of the cams. 

Kinda weird, Joe and Edda are a really cute couple aren't they,? Joe isn't really my type physically, but he seems like a real nice sweet guy, easygoing,never seen him angry ever, Edda got a good catch with him taht's for sure.And she's a real sexy girl

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Yes, I like Edda too. I liked her with pink hair even better. I went off on Joe for what appeared to be an assault on her before they got their new place, but I think I was proven wrong about that. I've seen him since then and he really a pretty laid back guy. He sure does like to fuck Edda. That works for me. 😊

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6 hours ago, Amy3 said:

Sorry, there is no gif or video. I did post a link to the timeline at the time and you can tell by the comments it wasn't good. He did grab her by the head like he was about to hit her and then thought twice about it and went back to crying like a baby. Nina didn't do anything to Warrenton this treatment and she wasn't having an episode. He on the other hand was a mess. 



Just to meet a curiosity,

Does anyone know or remember when this unfortunate passage occurred?
In what circumstances and what we had prior to this and consequently later?

Moreover, was someone following this situation online and when did it start? In what way?

Or as always, they are based only on what it is convenient to base? (Amy, I'm just using your post as I always do, but nothing in personal retaliation, but an open question for anyone who can or has the knowledge to respond).

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This happen over a month ago October 21, 2017, did you read my post.

here we go again, I thought maybe some of you grew up since the last argument about this. Check the reasons for his temper, you will see he was trying to help Nina. Keep telling yourself he's a immature kid with a bad temper, if it makes you feel your better than him and helps with jealousy issue. 

The October bathroom incident, no one ever figured what started it and what caused Alan to slap Nina. Just a lot of people guessing as to the problem. Without facts we all are just making assumptions. Nina wasn't completely innocent in this fight. We have all seen Nina go off the deep end and become very difficult to deal with.

They are a very passionate couple and being passionate causes arguments. Passionate arguments can escalate very quickly.

You as a "I'm a psychologist, but I don't have a license. Oh, and I'm also a philosopher" should understand this. JK

As I said before I do not believe a man should ever put his hands on a female.


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15 hours ago, Sparkles said:

And it wasn't only 1 or 2 times... He is violent and with bad temper... 

It really was not one or two, but I did see (ze81, correct me if my numbers are wrong.), 4 the best 5 (if we count the incident in bed on the day of Nina's first trip.
But actually there were 6 (one out of our sights).

First, it was NIna who started attacking Alan in the hallway (I can not remember why) and he reacted and retaliated.
Forming only pushes and slaps on both sides, with no consequences. He ended up with both sitting in a corner out of focus, in the corridor, hugging and with Nina crying and Alan kissing her then.

We still had no flow of visitors there. Not even George.

The second, an identical situation, and resulted in Alan leaving and returning later intoxicated. I was worried about this comeback, but he went to the living room couch and slept. Or rather, "erased."
The next day Nina woke him up, talked for a while, and set off for sex on the couch.

The third, he got a splinter in his hand, setting up that wooden table and with visible pain, then asked Nina for help to take it.
She equipped herself as if she were going to have a 'laser surgery'. Gloves, mask, and everything. When she saw the condition of the forceps he had passed her, she had a seizure.
Alan gave up, but Nina insisted. Grabbing the force, his hand. He picked up his hand, she pushed it and slapped him and he reacted.
But just catching her by the waist in front of him suspending and shocking her back against the bathroom door. Talking hard at her, of course.
She again retreated to the corridor floor out of sight and Alan left the apartment.
I did not follow from this point to see how it ended. The place was still not top in our remarks here.

The fourth, this everybody saw and gave = his opinion. It was the incident in bed on Nina's (the first) trip. Nothing to talk about.
Just my apprehension about him holding her by the neck.

I have warned here about the risk of a more serious accident with this gesture. Fortunately, it has not been repeated until today.

The fifth was in Edda and I want to add it was the only time I saw this level of aggression: strong and serious between the two. Once before, reached this extreme. And from their reactions, I think it was the first one.
Alan's psychological state that day was evident and evident how much he repented and how much it "overturned" and "shook" him.

But we see and this is what I want to emphasize, that until today, it has not been repeated and I hope that it is only the one among them.

Remembering, we had the effect of alcohol, commanding behaviors there.
I've said it here before, what I think of it.

Anyone else here want to continue "throwing stones" now? Or do you have more "facts" that you can answer me?


In addition, I want to, (as all of us here evidently), see something more meaningful involving these five (Serena included). But I want to see this when everyone is comfortable, lucid (or as it were, hehehe) and willing to give and enjoy themselves (everyone, and equally) with the situation.

The main objective would be this, "collective fun," with no neurases / feelings of betrayal. Or insecurities of both male parts, since of the females none of this runs at risk there.

Preferably before the end of this year. And reinforcement in addition, that in the last meetings that we had, Alan was not more reference of resistance.

I know that Google will distort meanings of much of what I meant above.

But I think that again the essence of what I express can pass.


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36 minutes ago, bean1111 said:

This happen over a month ago October 21, 2017, did you read my post.

here we go again, I thought maybe some of you grew up since the last argument about this. Check the reasons for his temper, you will see he was trying to help Nina. Keep telling yourself he's a immature kid with a bad temper, if it makes you feel your better than him and helps with jealousy issue. 

The October bathroom incident, no one ever figured what started it and what caused Alan to slap Nina. Just a lot of people guessing as to the problem. Without facts we all are just making assumptions. Nina wasn't completely innocent in this fight. We have all seen Nina go off the deep end and become very difficult to deal with.

They are a very passionate couple and being passionate causes arguments. Passionate arguments can escalate very quickly.

You as a "I'm a psychologist, but I don't have a license. Oh, and I'm also a philosopher" should understand this. JK

As I said before I do not believe a man should ever put his hands on a female.


hahahaha, very good.

Really, very good :biggrin:

First I will redeem there in the Edda post which I observed long before that happened. As if I were predicting. But of course I was not predicting, but rather watching the direction the storm was drawing in the horizon. Days, before.

''Returning now and I see and George is there.
Signal has traveled and is possibly situated somewhere near where everyone may have gone yesterday for considerable hours.

Things have been unstable between Nina and Alan since shower day. Alan goes back to being Alan. Last night and today it gives proof of this again. I am again afraid of him being alert to. Even Serena, who normally tries to be the link between them, is already hanging in Nina's favor. But equally stuck in the situation.

Geoge is forcing the bar too much (too much) and can lose everything at once."

"Just to reinforce my observation above.
Because Alan and Nina are not next to Joe and Edda, what would be the most logical thing for the situation?
Why next to George and Serena? And why are only Serena and Alan playing the active part?"

Before that in its beginning.:
"Nora is gone, and that is a strong indication of steamy action tonight. (zoifan)"

My response to him.

"I would not bet that much. See the heavy air between Nina and Alan. It is even disguised to cut the air with a knife there.
Nina is scratching harder than usual. Sign of nervousness".




To sum it up (hahahaha, this coming from me), it was the day we saw George for the last time.

The day we had the feeling, that Serena was going with him. It was the day before that we had a forced and uncomfortable situation for Alan (of course), that George and Serena were in action and Nina and Alan aside "encouraged" to proceed in the same way. Together.

And it was the day in Chadd and Todd in his apartment, almost killed. In other words, one day everything was "calm" and "controlled" like a light breeze in the air.

And for registration, I was online with the situation in the bathroom when it all started. Apparently I was the only one. Since then the emo line was manipulated. I know it started and I know who started it.

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1 minute ago, thedbear said:

hahahaha, very good.

Really, very good :biggrin:

First I will redeem there in the Edda post which I observed long before that happened. As if I were predicting. But of course I was not predicting, but rather watching the direction the storm was drawing in the horizon. Days, before.

''Returning now and I see and George is there.
Signal has traveled and is possibly situated somewhere near where everyone may have gone yesterday for considerable hours.

Things have been unstable between Nina and Alan since shower day. Alan goes back to being Alan. Last night and today it gives proof of this again. I am again afraid of him being alert to. Even Serena, who normally tries to be the link between them, is already hanging in Nina's favor. But equally stuck in the situation.

Geoge is forcing the bar too much (too much) and can lose everything at once."

"Just to reinforce my observation above.
Because Alan and Nina are not next to Joe and Edda, what would be the most logical thing for the situation?
Why next to George and Serena? And why are only Serena and Alan playing the active part?"

Before that in its beginning.:
"Nora is gone, and that is a strong indication of steamy action tonight. (zoifan)"

My response to him.

"I would not bet that much. See the heavy air between Nina and Alan. It is even disguised to cut the air with a knife there.
Nina is scratching harder than usual. Sign of nervousness".




To sum it up (hahahaha, this coming from me), it was the day we saw George for the last time.

The day we had the feeling, that Serena was going with him. It was the day before that we had a forced and uncomfortable situation for Alan (of course), that George and Serena were in action and Nina and Alan aside "encouraged" to proceed in the same way. Together.

And it was the day in Chadd and Todd in his apartment, almost killed. In other words, one day everything was "calm" and "controlled" like a light breeze in the air.

And for registration, I was online with the situation in the bathroom when it all started. Apparently I was the only one. Since then the emo line was manipulated. I know it started and I know who started it.

It is unpleasant to bring this up again, but it is necessary, in order to be able to bury once and for all, observations equal to what we had here before for Joe and Edda and a supposed anal rape in his first experience with cam in Alan and Nina's apartment and bed ..::)

And that today we see practically as a common and almost obligatory practice between them. With satisfaction for both.

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1 hour ago, bean1111 said:


They are a very passionate couple and being passionate causes arguments. Passionate arguments can escalate very quickly.

As I said before I do not believe a man should ever put his hands on a female.


We think alike,
I really hope for the success of Alan and Nina (Together). I hope this will be added to Serena. I hope they can leverage together Edda and Joe. And I'm hopeful that Nora can be included in that too.

Until this group does not disappoint me, I believe in them. And the glue that binds them together is strong. Qualities and defects are inherent in humans.

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Ugh, my head is spinning!

First of all I already said that I was proven wrong about Joe assaulting Edda.

Second, I have no idea what sparks Alan to anger. I can't speak their language, I can only go by what I see and from what I've seen, Alan is impulsive, is prone to moodiness, and more importantly he has laid he hands on Nina in very angry, aggressive ways regardless of the stimulus.

Thirdly, Alan is probably 20 years old. My perception of him is that he is very young and immature. Most of the tenants are immature. Alan's youthful looks play a big role in the perception of him as a child, thus immature, but combine that with his actual behavior and this perveption gets reinforced ten fold.

You may think you have proved your point, but I remain unconvinced. Alan is the one who is ultimately responsible for his impulsive behavior not the outside forces. We can argue about the definition of maturity all day long, but the reality is that Alan's actual behavior is what matters and he has, without question, laid his hands on Nina is very aggressive ways at least 2 times that I have seen. 

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4 hours ago, thedbear said:

Just to meet a curiosity,

Does anyone know or remember when this unfortunate passage occurred?
In what circumstances and what we had prior to this and consequently later?

Moreover, was someone following this situation online and when did it start? In what way?

Or as always, they are based only on what it is convenient to base? (Amy, I'm just using your post as I always do, but nothing in personal retaliation, but an open question for anyone who can or has the knowledge to respond).

Hi bear, I'd love to know why myself, just out of curiosity, are you suggesting ther may be a good reason for his actions?

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