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Anna & Alex, Bree & Drew - Part 2

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2 hours ago, thedbear said:

Okay, now I was really apprehensive.
Is she the shield of the night or a female continuation of Drew and Bree's "friend" we had there yesterday?

She's it true or dare?

Just reinforcing, we did not have "guessing games" yesterday.
Seen today, let's finish in Pizza, Or rather, we'll order some.
What a pity, Candy wasted. Again.

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13 minutes ago, miscvoyeur said:

Not just her wasted. Edda/Joe and company party was a complete waste too. The only two apartments that I cared about tonight and both disappointed.

You got ahead ..
I was already going to complete this Friday of VH promises, just got it. Promises again. .

OK ]
Nina and Alan broke the bed earlier in unique style. They are saved.
Grisha and Maria seem to be still in the match.
Mira, on the other hand must have this anniversary held in the memory.

For tomorrow the schedule is Misty and her bday.With Rock, Ana, Niuy and Lisa.
Let's see what we are disappointed in too.

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7 minutes ago, thedbear said:

You got ahead ..
I was already going to complete this Friday of VH promises, just got it. Promises again. .

OK ]
Nina and Alan broke the bed earlier in unique style. They are saved.
Grisha and Maria seem to be still in the match.
Mira, on the other hand must have this anniversary held in the memory.

For tomorrow the schedule is Misty and her bday.With Rock, Ana, Niuy and Lisa.
Let's see what we are disappointed in too.

Now to be serious.
VH need to have a "Manager" of Managers or a director.

How can you kick so many balls out in just one day and in several different places ?? .

Is not it tiring to fail and disappoint so much ??? /
Especially when you make anticipated announcement of this ???? /? /?

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