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Mira & Henry Part #1 of 3


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9 minutes ago, riocola said:

Hi, I'm new to the forum, but I've been watching VH for a long time. i agree with you henry should not do what he did.
When you see the guests it's pretty good for Henry, but not for Mira, and it's not good for the couple, I have the experience.

Well the discussion about it is pointless. I won't judge about their life. When they are both okay with it why should I bother about it? I am happy they do what they do and enjoy it.

And welcome to the forums. Have fun :biggrin:

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2 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Jabbath, you could pretty much say that every discussion is bascially pointless. That's a copout. You just don't want to say how you feel. That's fine, you don't have to, but just say that instead of dening the validity of the discussion. When you say that what you're really saying is, "I won't tell you how I feel, and I'd prefer that you don't either" if we're going to say that anything goes and no one's feelings or thoughts matter and are pointless to express than guess what, then all comments are pointless and nobody should waste their time saying anything at all. 

You are right Amy. I feel happy for Mira and Henry that they are other okay with their kind of relationship. I did not mean not say at all. I just don't wanna judge neither Mira not Henry for their lifestyle

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27 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

I'm happy that they are happy too! But to be fair it could have just as easily gone the other way and I think even Henry knows that's true. Women aren't always so predictable ya know. Maybe some day we'll get to see Mira pull one over on Henry! I just hope he's tied up in the corner with a ball gag, chastity belt, and a butt plug when it happens. ❤️😁

its possible and we want it both sometimes

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