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Mira & Henry Part #1 of 3


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1 hour ago, Mira&Henry said:

i though that it was written by translator, not personally. Ukrainian and russian languages look likes to each other and it is not problem to understand your sentense. Mira like to speak ukrainian, you can hear it on loggia before guest visit

I know stuff that O.E. doesn't sing as well, like "Я хочу на твій хуй сісти". But I'm not gay, and I don't eat fish either. So I won't say it. But I enjoy seeing you, whatever you do. Keep going! Давай! :-)

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29 minutes ago, Someone there said:

I know stuff that O.E. doesn't sing as well, like "Я хочу на твій хуй сісти". But I'm not gay, and I don't eat fish either. So I won't say it. But I enjoy seeing you, whatever you do. Keep going! Давай! :-)

that was another song=)

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6 hours ago, Amy3 said:

Awesome!! Sorry, not convinced about the gimp.

The word 'gimp' has a lot of different meanings. Everything from a type of
fishing line to an insult implying someone is stupid or incompetent and
several in between. It's very interesting to note, however, that you knew it
also means, a usually male sex slave or submissive. Where have you been
hanging, Amy dearest? Hmmmm? :cool::angel: .... :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::heart:

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2 hours ago, Amy3 said:

Pulp Fiction! One of the best movies ever made! Something look familiar? Lol!

Amy, darlin', I sure hope you associated what I said, with the joke it was intended
to be. I put a bunch of laughing faces on there, so you'd know it was.

I watched Pulp Fiction when it came out, nearly a quarter of a century ago, and
I must not have put it on my list of movies to watch multiple times, because I've
never seen it since. I don't remember how that scene plays out, I only have the
clip you posted to go on, but even if I had understood what that guy called him,
I don't think I would have made the leap from 'gimp' to 'male sex slave'. In fact, I
know I wouldn't have. Back then, I personally only had one definition for 'gimp'.
That was as a derogatory term for someone with a limp or a lame or disabled
person. Even now, I had to look it up to find out what you meant by your use of it.

All that to say thank you for teaching me something new, today. A day without
learning, is like a day not worth living.

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I know i'm late to the party (par usual) but I noticed the guy left immediately after the tryst in the bedroom.  Right fricking on!   Find 'em, feel 'em, f**k 'em, forget em.:cool:   Not only was I impressed with the party I was also impressed with the ending and aftermath.  Great show and job guys.  You always seem to push the envelope and you are never boring.  Course in helps that Mira seemed to really enjoy yesterday and she's fricking gorgeous..:heart:::)

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