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Mira & Henry Part #1 of 3

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4 minutes ago, plum said:

Jabbath..I am not insulting people on here..I am commenting on the people on the VH cam..


Do not flame-bait, flame, or attack other member’s comments or tenants actions without explaining yourself. Treat others and their Comments and/or Quotes with respect. Especially in the RLC, Camarads, VHTV, And VV Apartment and Old Dudes threads, treat other members and tenants with respect. It is fine to disagree with another's opinion or to critique the action of the tenants, but do so in constructive ways using socially acceptable language. Do not be an annoyance, or members will file reports against you, and Mods will be irritated and will ban you. 



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Apologies to anyone offended by my comments..I am not a confrontational person..or a bigot..I am a devout Christian, and acts such as I witnessed this evening ges against the scriptures.
I am totally devoted to Christ my lord, and acts such I have witnessed tonight condemns the perpetrators to eternal damnation.
...and if you believe that fucking bullshit you are even dafter than I thought..
Ha Ha..my god..that was so horny... didn't Henry take it like a champ..lucky bastard.


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2 minutes ago, plum said:

Apologies to anyone offended by my comments..I am not a confrontational person..or a bigot..I am a devout Christian, and acts such as I witnessed this evening ges against the scriptures.
I am totally devoted to Christ my lord, and acts such I have witnessed tonight condemns the perpetrators to eternal damnation.

and sometimes you're funny too

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2 minutes ago, plum said:

Apologies to anyone offended by my comments..I am not a confrontational person..or a bigot..I am a devout Christian, and acts such as I witnessed this evening ges against the scriptures.
I am totally devoted to Christ my lord, and acts such I have witnessed tonight condemns the perpetrators to eternal damnation.

Lol you are kidding right :angel:

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