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Linda & Leon

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4 minutes ago, Mira&Henry said:

hi. what do u mean when say "bi sex beetween girls"?

Hi Mira and Henry, You guys are really sexy and you seem like your really crazy about each other, it shows how natural you are together. Can i ask how long you 2 have been together? If it's too personal, just ignore me, I'm a nosy person.

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1 hour ago, groomy said:

I heard that they have good statistics. And yesterday's show is super rating. But - the first two weeks Dora, Gary and Co - were also good statistics.

I did not attend online, because I was without a net. but by the timeline, I see that the impasse between Linda and Carrie has begun to be defined. In a satisfactory way.

What bothered me was that we have an effective rapport between Katie and Lena and in no way would be justified or sustained differently between Linda and Carrie. Even for the management project Lina and Alex.

The best of all I understand is that we effectively break with Tim and Clara standards.
I think that now we will see their own patterns and directed steps.

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