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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes November - December 2017.

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8 minutes ago, Noldus said:

Looks like Bea is packing?

If both Bea and Diane leaves, I wish  there will be some good new replacements, because those two+Karol were the ones I found really interesting.

I just wish RLC would stop bringing people back for 3rd or 4th time.... they could possibly still do some interesting things, but its another excitement with new tenants, and its kind of the concept of the Barca-houses, in my view.

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4 minutes ago, ed2 said:

If both Bea and Diane leaves, I wish  there will be some good new replacements, because those two+Karol were the ones I found really interesting.

I just wish RLC would stop bringing people back for 3rd or 4th time.... they could possibly still do some interesting things, but its another excitement with new tenants, and its kind of the concept of the Barca-houses, in my view.

I think Diane had a phone conversation in English a while back where she mentioned going home for New Years to visit her mother, so if she leaves it may just be for a few days.

If Bea's leaving, I honestly hope they don't replace her. The shared-room tradition is dumb and makes it less likely that the girls in the room will do anything interesting (though to Bea's credit it didn't stop her). 

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5 minutes ago, timber said:

I think Diane had a phone conversation in English a while back where she mentioned going home for New Years to visit her mother, so if she leaves it may just be for a few days.

It was one of the first nights in B4.

I too hope she only goes for a few days, but I kinda fear that if she leaves, it will be end of her stay.

5 minutes ago, timber said:

If Bea's leaving, I honestly hope they don't replace her. The shared-room tradition is dumb and makes it less likely that the girls in the room will do anything interesting (though to Bea's credit it didn't stop her). 

I agree to that, it should always be 1 girl 1 room.

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