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Girls on Vacation - Chat Comments, & Quotes November - December 2017.

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32 minutes ago, Noldus said:

There is nothing to cry for :dodgy:

Beatrice is much better than the 11 other girls combined (counting Nora).

Bea has so much sexual frustration buildt up, being interrupted and disturbed so much, but she certanly makes up today! Bea is simply just great :heart: at the top of my favourite-list, along with Leona.

And as I've always said, all girls should have their own rooms (with locks!). Hell, if it was up to me, Bea could have B2 all to herself.

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12 minutes ago, ed2 said:

Beatrice is much better than the 11 other girls combined (counting Nora).

Bea has so much sexual frustration buildt up, being interrupted and disturbed so much, but she certanly makes up today! Bea is simply just great :heart: at the top of my favourite-list, along with Leona.

And as I've always said, all girls should have their own rooms (with locks!). Hell, if it was up to me, Bea could have B2 all to herself.

Both Bea and Leona loved to be watched by the cams, but had to be sneaky because of their friends. Completely opposit of Rose, who bated infront of her friend, but always made sure to hide from the cameras.

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Bea ist unglücklich, es war abzusehen .

Vielleicht hat sie auch Heimweh oder nicht die richtige Freundin gefunden.

Ich finde es "scheiße" wenn sich hier ein paar "IDIOTEN" über ein Mädchen abfällig auslassen was weint.

Sie weint bestimmt nicht, weil sie öffentlich masturbiert.

Im Gegensatz zu den verklemmen Weibern Angie,Glasha,Sonya zeigt sie was.

Zur Zeit ist 75 % bei RLC raus geschmissenes Geld, wer fickende Paare betrachten will kann das billiger haben,

Da angeblich die Germania-Boys die zweitstärksten Nutzer dieses Forum sein sollen kann ich ja in Deutsch schreiben.


Für die "Trump-Trottel" reicht die grauenhafte Übersetzung von Google


Bea is unhappy, it was in sight.

Maybe she also found homesickness or not the right girlfriend.

I think it "shit" if here a few "idiots" about a girl derogatory leave out what is crying.

She certainly does not cry because she masturbates in public.

Unlike the jammed wives Angie, Glasha,Sonya shows her something.

At the moment 75% is thrown out at RLC money, who wants to look at fucking couples can have the cheaper,

Since allegedly the Germania boys should be the second strongest users of this forum I can write in German.

For the "Trump idiot" enough Google's gruesome translation

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