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Leora & Paul - General Chat Comments & Quotes (2017)

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Well, those of us who are only 7 hours behind can relax , having witnessed her efforts, we can sit back and savour any other delights she may or may not bestow on us. While those who are twelve hours behind, sadly it's time for thier crib and much needed beauty sleep.....😴👶

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6 minutes ago, scutus said:

I would not be absolutely sure of that.    :biggrin:    AND ANOTHER MINOR DETAIL.  The word TH__R is spelled with E before I.   :biggrin::biggrin:

A minor slip of the finger......but this isn't.....🖕....👋

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28 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

Well, those of us who are only 7 hours behind can relax , having witnessed her efforts, we can sit back and savour any other delights she may or may not bestow on us. While those who are twelve hours behind, sadly it's time for thier crib and much needed beauty sleep.....😴👶

Just in case you tried to cover your error.:biggrin:

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Well I see while I was investigating a mysterious van blocking my driveway I see The Goddess has finally released me by putting some clothes on.

This morning was GREAT.

I still worry about that cushion on the couch as I am always worrying when it is going to block clear access, but wouldn't it have been awesome to have a camera above the door in the GR? The views would have been incredible. Of course the problem wit that is probably the door itself but to have a camera in the line of the couch today would have been unbeatable. Also THE CREAMING is getting better than ever :biggrin:


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7 minutes ago, BBsq69 said:

Well I see while I was investigating a mysterious van blocking my driveway I see The Goddess has finally released me by putting some clothes on.

This morning was GREAT.

I still worry about that cushion on the couch as I am always worrying when it is going to block clear access, but wouldn't it have been awesome to have a camera above the door in the GR? The views would have been incredible. Of course the problem wit that is probably the door itself but to have a camera in the line of the couch today would have been unbeatable. Also THE CREAMING is getting better than ever :biggrin:


I have to agree, the 'CREAMING' has been very good watching her,,,,,oooops,,you meant HER creaming,,ok:blush: 


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It's true that when one has no credibility and has nothing sensible to say, and has failed in all attempts to prove his accusations, then has to resort to childish and unnecessary drivel ......you are a sick person who needs help with your issues .....Your attempts in the past to blacken my name were nothing better than propaganda. Now you have nothing left but bitterness. I refuse to rise to you further.

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