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Leora & Paul - General Chat Comments & Quotes (2017)

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I'm guessing you have a pretty good zoom on your computer, scutus, to see brand names or identify the food being cooked. I don't have that luxury, but the idea of her helping with something like meals-on-wheels is certainly something that crossed my mind too.

But the phone call interruption is not something she may have bargained for at the most inopportune moments!

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The coconut milk brand I referred to is the one she has been using as a body scrub when she showers. The cans have been setting on the edge of the tub facing the camera.

Tide laundry soap has been seen right in front of what is now cam seven. KFC containers show up at the dining table. Shopping bags are a good source of info.

Noticing the US made products that show up in the RLC apartments has given me totally different view of  the "Dr. Zhivago's" Siberia.  Of course Leora is difficult not to notice.     :sleepy:

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Dr Zhivago was a long, long time ago!

But I'm told some parts of Siberia still haven't really caught up, after the horrors of the Gulag and the Soviet era. 

They now have tours of the concentration camps for tourists, though I'm sure many in Russia still hold a fear of Siberia every time the name is mentioned, even now. 

Clearly Leora's part of Siberia has moved on and young Russians would not be scarred by its past in the same way as those older citizens......

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Morning all. I have been away a couple of days disappointed with falling asleep just before The Goddess's epic performance 2 days ago, wondering if I can keep being up at this time of day only to miss the big reward. That bate seemed to have everything from the replay thumbs (they change so actually you do see what went on) and the climax video. Well I am back just watching The Goddess and I doubt I will be lucky but she is compelling. What is she doing with her hair?


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