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Anastasia & Rock, Em, Nyusha - Part #2

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3 minutes ago, Kkru394 said:

I try to wonder why you all slam this girl on her first visit? Nora had multiple visits before she undressed and no one called her Ashley II. Other realms have guests all the time and you don’t refer to them as Ashley. It is because you let your Rock hatred project to this girl? 

It's cause this girl tries to hide herself from us, Nora didn't so much.

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Ashley II makes it clear that she knows we are here and she adjusts herself accordingly. Nora acted as if the cams were not there. Even though she didn't get naked she didn't adjust her behavior because of the cans. Do you see what I mean?

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1 minute ago, Amy3 said:

Ashley II makes it clear that she knows we are here and she adjusts herself accordingly. Nora acted as if the cams were not there. Even though she didn't get naked she didn't adjust her behavior because of the cans. Do you see what I mean?

Yes totally what I say.

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34 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

That's just a bunch of malarkey, of course everyone here "expects" every girl on VH to get naked and have sex. Duh! That's why you're here. Don't give me any of that bullshit that you're somehow interested in seeing the real lives of real people, cause if that's the case you're not going to see even that here. Those cams change people and they don't print money for nothing. For reals!

....BUT, just cause I "expect" it doesn't mean they have to oblige me; however, that's not always the best strategy to make money when one lives in a voyeur site with the foremost principle of earning money. 

It's VH..I expect sex,nudity and crazy things and very regulary,and been this way sinse i first join long time ago and that's one of the main reasons I like and pay every month for it.

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10 minutes ago, Amy3 said:

Ashley II makes it clear that she knows we are here and she adjusts herself accordingly. Nora acted as if the cams were not there. Even though she didn't get naked she didn't adjust her behavior because of the cans. Do you see what I mean?

No not really. I think she’s being held to a different standard. It’s not like she stopped the naked party the other night. And so what if she notices the cameras-she’s a guest. There’s a ton of guests who are concerned about the cameras all the time. 

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2 minutes ago, Kkru394 said:

No not really. You’re holding her to a different standard. It’s not like she stopped the naked party the other night. And so what if she notices the cameras-she’s a guest. There’s a ton of guests who are concerned about the cameras all the time. 

You know what's funny? This guest girl did more on her first visit than Nora did during her first month visiting Edda, yet this girl gets the Ashley title meanwhile Nora gets praised and cheered and everything else.

Ashley actually had sex on her first or second visit, wound up having a ton of sex overall, fooled around with more than one guy, and eventually had full sex in the light and without covers, and all withing a month of being on the cam, which is a hell of a lot more than what Nora did during her first month. 

People on here just being hypocritical again. I'm over it. Like you said, for whatever reason this guest girl gets held to some sort of shitty different standard.

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Hypocritical, like "expecting" Bree to bring over some guys to fuck while Drew is in the hospital and "expecting" Em to dump Sid cause he doesn't fuck her as good as Logan did? Yes, I suppose it is hypocritical. 

For the record, I never once made any comments about Nora. Go back and check it yourself. Not once to make any comments one way or the other. That, by definition removes me from this notion that I have a double standard and I am a hypocrite cause I'm not! 

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the comparisons to nora aren't the same as nora isn't even a guest but a visiter which means that she has shown way more than anyone could possibly have expected. and ashley blanket sex doesn't even count as sex imo. she didn't have any real sex until she was threatened with expulsion. she will always be the standard for what not to do on a voyeur site.

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2 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

the comparisons to nora aren't the same as nora isn't even a guest but a visiter which means that she has shown way more than anyone could possibly have expected. and ashley blanket sex doesn't even count as sex imo. she didn't have any real sex until she was threatened with expulsion. she will always be the standard for what not to do on a voyeur site.

That's why the guest girl totally deserves the name Ashley II 

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