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Leora & Paul - General Chat Topic (Jan - Apr. 2018)

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1 hour ago, Howard said:

Informal poll:

Do you prefer animated gifs or a link to a video file (you have to choose one - can't choose both).

Both uploads would expires within a few days (or less).

I prefer video files provided they are linked to a site which doesn't worry my virus checker too much.

Sorry can't delete duplicate posts any more :sad:

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17 hours ago, CrazyDude said:

I don't have the vocabulary to PROPERLY explain why I wish for many Russian girls to be able to leave Russia. After watching the BBC documentary on Russian girls, which showed a side of Russian life for young women that was quite negative, I feel sorry for them. I wish them all a good decent life. 

I understand what you mean, the only thing that bothers me is you mention it was on the BBC, hardly anyone believes anything the BBC puts out here anymore in England, it is IMHO one of the most left wing sympathetic forms of information, so politically biased, ,It acts as a propaganda machine for the Labour Party. I would probably get more truth out of reading the Russian newspaper Pravda. 🙄

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Looks as if she overstretched herself at the gym yesterday, she's feeling some discomfort in her left leg, probably because she used muscles that had been laying idle for too long.

Summer is coming, so she will want to make sure the body looks good for the beach, so I would imagine she will keep up with some form of excercise for a while, although it would be a lot easier for her if she cut down on the junk food she throws down her neck, She pays out all sorts of money for expensive scrubs and lotions to improve the look of her body, yet if she spent that money on good nuitritious food and ate sensibly it would do her a lot better.

Having said that, she still looks OK as far as I am concerned. 😄🤓😳

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On 12/04/2018 at 1:54 PM, nack said:



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3 hours ago, Iwishicould said:

I understand what you mean, the only thing that bothers me is you mention it was on the BBC, hardly anyone believes anything the BBC puts out here anymore in England, it is IMHO one of the most left wing sympathetic forms of information, so politically biased, ,It acts as a propaganda machine for the Labour Party. I would probably get more truth out of reading the Russian newspaper Pravda. 🙄

OT The BBC is the finest news organisation in the world. You must be aware that Momentum the Corbyn supporting gang regard the BBC as an agent for the Tory Party. If  you are right wing, you think it is left wing and if you are left wing you think it is right wing which shows its balance. It has the highest standards of any broadcaster in the world. It disturbs me that you would rather believe the false news of either the left or the right. Many many people, especially in oppressive regimes, in the world listen to the BBC precisely because they are most likely to hear fair and accurate broadcasting. Does the organisation get pressure put on it by whoever is in power? Of course it does. Does that effect the truth of what they report? No. Very few organisations in the world are that independent and none so respected. 

A lot of the current disturbing popularism sweeping the world is due to the undermining of legitimate new organisations with high journalistic standards by propaganda and subversive organisations - are you unaware of what Russia and Cambridge Analytics have been up to. People are simply too willing to believe nonsense from shameless political organisations. It is terrible for the world.


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Guest Legionaire
20 hours ago, Howard said:

Informal poll:

Do you prefer animated gifs or a link to a video file (you have to choose one - can't choose both).

Both uploads would expires within a few days (or less).


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2 hours ago, BBsq69 said:

OT The BBC is the finest news organisation in the world. You must be aware that Momentum the Corbyn supporting gang regard the BBC as an agent for the Tory Party. If  you are right wing, you think it is left wing and if you are left wing you think it is right wing which shows its balance. It has the highest standards of any broadcaster in the world. It disturbs me that you would rather believe the false news of either the left or the right. Many many people, especially in oppressive regimes, in the world listen to the BBC precisely because they are most likely to hear fair and accurate broadcasting. Does the organisation get pressure put on it by whoever is in power? Of course it does. Does that effect the truth of what they report? No. Very few organisations in the world are that independent and none so respected. 

A lot of the current disturbing popularism sweeping the world is due to the undermining of legitimate new organisations with high journalistic standards by propaganda and subversive organisations - are you unaware of what Russia and Cambridge Analytics have been up to. People are simply too willing to believe nonsense from shameless political organisations. It is terrible for the world.


BB, With all due respect to yourself, I have always enjoyed your postings on this forum and have to a certain extent agreed with most of them, but you in my opinion have just spouted the biggest load of bollocks ever,. Don't tell me, let me guess, you either worked at some time or other for the BBC or you are one of Corbyn's ardent supporters or perhaps related to the fucking imbicile .

Yes, I am very much aware of what Russia is supposed to have done, but conversely, are you fully aware of what our squeaky clean lot are guilty off .It might make you sleep even less at night than you do now.

I've  never been one to believe the rantings of the " shameless political organisations " but neither have I been one to believe the absolute bullshit that emminates from the BBC nowadays.

Yes, they used to be an honest and impartial world broadcaster, but as far as I am concerned those days are long gone.

Obviously you are going to defend your corner and I respect that, I have had my say and will say no more on the matter, as it's just a matter of two differing opinions.

PS. BB, my personal remarks above are all meant tongue in cheek, please don't take offense, 😇

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