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Political Posts of Satire, Jokes & Visual Thoughts #1

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On 10/17/2018 at 1:03 AM, StnCld316 said:

Her Family Tree may include Native American Ancestry but that doesn't make her Qualify to be Native. She may have a trace of it in her blood but not enough to Qualify for Native Status.  She lives Free off the Taxpayers enough now without having to give her more weight to the Free Handouts.

But she hates Trump,so doesn't that make her one of your heroes?:biggrin:

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2 hours ago, ipiratemedia said:

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LMAO! I know we have spoken about this before. I like to hear your views since you're from Canada. I spent a couple of Hours listening to both sides of the issues, on the legalization. And I saw lines wrap around corner stores. Legalized marijuana will make the nation lazy and worthless. (so they say) For a few companies, the legalization of weed would be a massive business opportunity, (like my stateand it also could also be a tax windfall. I only made that assumption because of P.M. Trudeau. You "predicted" it would be legalized before the elections (can you pick me winners for next week NFL gamesso the pot-heads would be happy and vote for him these coming Elections. But, are they satisfied?  

I'll say one thing, in the last four months, he has accomplished more than all his day's in office, Canada is the dream country for some, a P.M. who supports LGBT+ rights, (who's rights) diversity, (free speech) free healthcare, etc. Trudeau, lately been taking the choices made by Trump and turning them around to promote immigrating to Canada, pressing the lousy publicity forward and covering up all of the bad. Under Trudeau, Canada has been known to cover up, erase and ignore the cultures, pleas, and problems of citizens, but they’re hushed so well, you may have never heard of them. Have you heard of them?  Do you have a Cam on your Scooter?

I don't think the Pot Smokers are happy at the Moment. The Government has basically forced them to go to a Regulated Government Approved Run Outlet to buy their Supply but the stuff the Government is pushing isn't as Potent. A lot of the stuff that creates the Buzz has been significantly reduced which means a User has to purchase more and smoke more to get a Buzz It's costing Users a heck of a lot more now than buying it when it was Illegal from some Seller on the Street. Most Government run Outlets are running out or have run out of Supply forcing them to just sell Paraphernalia such as Bongs and Rolling Papers etc... or just close the Store and wait for their next shipment which won't be until Tuesday or Thursday depending what Province the Users lives in. 

The Federal Government never thought this out well enough such as holding Open Public Meetings and Consulting with the Public about the best way to move forward with such a Product. They just rammed it down everyone's throat whether they liked it or not.The only place Weed Smokers are allowed to smoke the Substance is basically in their own homes or at a friends place. They can't walk down the Streets Smoking the Weed or Drive Smoking Weed, doing so brings the User to a Day in Court and a Substantial Fine. Users are only allowed to carry on their person 30 Grams and when they Purchase they must show a Government ID Photo Card since you have to be 19 or Older and their Registration # is entered into a Database connected with all Government Approved Run Outlets which means they can't go to different stores on a daily basis and Purchase 30 Grams each day or Drive from one Store after a Purchase and go to another on the same day.  The Federal Government is going to reap big on the Taxes but they still have not stated what the Taxes Collected will be used for other than for them to waste on Nefarious Schemes for their own pleasure because they can.   The Indian Reservation is less than 10 Miles from where I am and it covers a large swath of land where everyone in Southern Ontario can access and they can Purchase things such as Black Market Cigarettes, Weed and Gasoline for 80% less and Pay No Tax on their Purchases or even have to have a Native Status Card. They sell to almost everyone that steps on to the Reservation. The only thing Governments try to Brainwash the Public into thinking they are Contributing to Organized Crime Groups by Purchasing Black Market Products. Most people don't give a Shit about that Government Myth about their Black Market & Organized Crime. All the Consumers are interested in is getting a Product for a lot cheaper. As long as you don't bother the Natives, they won't bother you. As far as Justin Trudeau getting Re-Elected Canadians would have be Utter Fools to give him another Mandate.  He's about as Stupid and Fucked Up just like his late Father Pierre was when he was PM.

 Governments need to rethink what they do with Tax Payer Dollars Collected. Taxes Collected from Cigarettes and Marijuana & Gasoline should be strictly Applied to the Canadian and Provincial National Debts and spent on nothing else.  They say each Canadian Citizen is on the Hook for about $18,000 Federally and $22,000 Provincially and the amount goes Higher each day because of Irresponsible Politicians.The only way a Citizen can unburden themselves from their Portion is Dying. The next in line will pick up the share, before a Child gets out heir First Cry BINGO you're $40,000 in Debt for your share. If all Taxes Collected from Cigarettes and Marijuana & Gasoline were strictly applied to the Federal and Provincial Debts the Debts would be reduced almost to $0 in a matter of 2 or 3 Years.  If the USA done the same thing their $21 or $22 Trillion Dollar National Debt and State Debts would be reduced significantly.  Stop wasting Taxpayer Dollars on Third World Entities.  If an Impoverished Nation can't stand on their own Two Feet then it's time to tell those Countries to go Fuck themselves you either Sink or Swim.  Most Citizens work hard for what they earn and they should not have their Tax Dollars used and spent on some other Countries that can't Stand on their own Two Feet.

No I don't have a Cam on my Scooter but I should think about getting one then I can Upload all the Stupid Shit people do on Video and make them a Star for a Darwin Award on YouTube.   :biggrin:

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17 hours ago, ipiratemedia said:

Are you saying people are lining up, in the COLD weather for a 30 Gram bag? I don't know the prices. But, it's Canada, known for BC Bud, or Beaver Bud. What happens to the locos, I meant locals? Aren't they cheaper, less expensive to purchase from them?  I know the Cams are centralized in shops. Most likely outside too. 

If the whole world smoked a joint at the same time, There would be world peace for at least two hours. Followed by a global food shortage don't you think? So one day a boy asked a girl can you suck my dick, and the girl replied "No I am a vegetarian, I smoke them Canadian trees. I wonder if happened to be a Flutie tree. Talk soon, "Eyes Wide Shut."

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They were lined up for 2 Blocks at waiting to get into the Store to buy some. In the City I am in they only have 2 Licenced Stores. They were both out of weed before everyone had a chance to make it to the Store.  A Store can only stock so much once they run out then they have to wait to the next Shipment which could be 2 or 3 days before that Store Operates again. They would have been better off just letting people do it the old way they were doing it.  This Government Approved Stores will always run out each and every week which won't go over well with the Population.  Trudeau will be done in October 2019. His Popularity will start to drop. The next Governing Party will boast they will fix it if Elected but they likely won't say how they're going to fix it.  They'll likely deregulate it and make it Illegal once again without even mentioning it in their Election Platform which I won't mind      No Policies and Regulations are Etched in Stone.

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