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Em & Sid

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Last night, Em and Sid were alone for an hour in the guest room.
How come they did not give themselves at least a kiss?
Sid would certainly have seen it later on VHT.
But at this point, what could happen worse?
Indeed, it could be an opportunity for the final break between them.

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Hi guys.
Perhaps, between Em and Sid, the most stupid is Em.
After a month of this life next to an imbecile who continues to isolate himself (he is also a great rude) why she does not leave him permanently ?
How much does she want to wait again ???

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4 hours ago, groomy said:


Em told that she has traditionally every April lot of problems (study, relatives etc) - and Sid again does not support/help her.

About sex. Em - said that Sid ignores her. Sid said that Em does not do much hot (LoL).

Well, and a lot of conversations in the same vein (about respect, about the relationship, about Sid first and only true love to DotA/Games, etc.). Talk result - zero. They remained same vegetables. I'm sorry.:confused:

The important and interesting conversations they communicate directly via WhatsApp (Em & Bob)

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as someone said here and made no mistake, this bob invitation, would be of the genre of invitation and made to logan

only to generate expectation and speculation the problem of this and that people are getting tired and stop being completely interested by any future event

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i think sid's problem is EM likes to spend  too much time with bob and her problem is SID does not want to be around the guy his GF (EX) like more than him so he made his own invisible cocoon and bury his head in his phone to avoid dealing with the situation 

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