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Em & Sid

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4 minutes ago, groomy said:

Well, obviously - it's more Emo action. Not with serious intentions (physical or suicidal).

Their problem is clear. They can not be in the comfort zone (do nothing, watch TV/play games - sex 2-3 times a week) - because earnings are 0. But parties and orgies - damage them and relationships. They (mostly Sid) are not ready for this.


Not sure how relate your comment "Not with serious intentions (physical or suicidal)." to what we see in the picture.


All I can say is that these kids are not mature enough to be on their own. 

Forget about orgies or earning.



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6 minutes ago, x1000 said:

not easy to him as you  to move on

That is why he needs the support from a parent, older sibling, or good friend.

Love at this age can be so messed up.  

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I can't remember even one example or seeing high school love goes anywhere. It is just pure hormones and epic challenge for parents.


When 30+ people fall in love, there is a much better chance they commit and have a future together.



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