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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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11 minutes ago, tripod2 said:

Looks like my post was deleted. Looks like some members get an added level of sheltering around here.

if your post was deleted, then you got sheltered--feel lucky that is all you got--you could have been sent to your corner

Image result for sit in your corner

if someone else's got deleted--then they got lucky :biggrin:

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9 minutes ago, happyone said:

Se il tuo post è stato eliminato, quindi sei stato al riparo - sento fortunato che è tutto ciò che hai - si potrebbe essere stato inviato al tuo angolo

risultato Immagine per sedersi nel vostro angolo

se qualcun altro ha ottenuto cancellato - poi hanno avuto fortuna :biggrin:

here the only thing to cancel is the subscription to rlc

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Guest Peeker Seeker

Barcelona have lots of fine clubs to party and dance, girls like to dance, need to go out, tired of staying home all time.

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