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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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1 hour ago, jasonwils said:

I am not saying you don't because you might but the abuse everyone is giving this man is ridiculous and embarrassing. Its her choice who she goes for not yours or anyone else on here. This forum is suppose to discuss RLC not throw abuse around when you see something that might not be your fancy.

Imagine he decides to read the forum and sees all the comments about him? Say goodbye to any future show like last night

Jason...I wasn't abusing him. I'm a Geordie from NE England...The phrase built like a brick shit house just means he's a big strong lad, unlike Jasmin...If you read my other post about him, I said I'm impressed with her BF for a number of reasons (page 728)...You're a Newbie here, and welcome, but you probably haven't realised that I very very rarely, if ever, abuse anyone on here...


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