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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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5 hours ago, vortios said:

Really, if you allow me to reflect, is it worth saying certain things?
No one in their right mind, would be bothered by the things you think, but you know, in this chat, there are many, who seem Quixotes, defending the purity of Dulcinea ... perhaps, because I am Spanish, I know the end. LOL
In truth, even if you are right, you know that your comments will never be well received. Although he will always defend, that he can express his ideas, as we all do, with total freedom.
As for the branch or bouquets that the girls receive, I have seen them, and they seem, more to those that are delivered to the presenters or to the divas of the Opera, after the work. Although we all know that these girls do not sing. LOL
Finally, ignore, nobody, neither the boyfriends, nor husbands, nor any man gives flowers, in the day of the working woman. That is usually left for mother's day, saints, birthdays, or anniversaries. And stop saying things, that no one can believe, no matter how much they want to look good.

I say what I think, I honestly do not care if some bigot is offended by what I say, I broke the balls of all these defenders of the lost causes

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someone has melted brain from too much pussy, the March 8, International Women's Day was yesterday, today is March 9, now back to look VHTV, it is much more serious

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3 minutes ago, Sergio said:

someone has melted brain from too much pussy, the March 8, International Women's Day was yesterday, today is March 9, now back to look VHTV, it is much more serious


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