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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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5 minutes ago, vlkvlk111 said:

Esta. Francamente, no soy un gran admirador de lo que Sofie hizo ayer. Preferiría infinitamente que no hiciera nada y no fingiera. Pero mierda, la ira en las 20 páginas de mensajes, me está haciendo sentir incómodo.

Sofie solo está haciendo lo que hizo durante su primer mandato que la hizo muy querida, pero la comunidad, recuerda que fue en un momento en que algunas chicas estaban afuera 5 días a la semana. RLC ha aumentado considerablemente su juego, como pueden ver muchas de las chicas que regresan (por ejemplo Jas, que fue una de las chicas más tímidas durante sus 2 primeras estadías, y ahora aparentemente la gente está harta de verla follar a su novio por las cubiertas). Y sí, Monica es una chica brillante que hace que todos se vean pálidos en comparación, absolutamente cierto, bueno, el elenco actual es mayormente grande, creo. Sí, Sofie es una decepción esta estadía, y es especialmente visible teniendo en cuenta el hecho de que hemos tenido muchos grils geniales últimamente, pero todavía está lejos de ser el peor de todos los tiempos.

I will answer, in my opinion, what is happening. I do not have a "goddess" to defend, nor what to hate.

Always beginning of the base, that no girl is bisexual, this is just a show, (now they can spill all their complaints and comments on, but as I said is my opinion), so there are girls who have gone more or less far in that line.

As always, the extremes are bad. Neither Sofie, is a bad girl for the house, nor Monica, suddenly it will become the girl who rides shows and without it it seems that nothing happens.
Let's put the facts as they are. Monica, shows sexual activity, it is true, but for the most part, until now, it has always been more in her room with masturbations, than in what is referred to as a group (and I have in mind the great night that we all have news, and that surely will be in the annals of RLC), but I remember, that until that night, had not happened of caresses, massages, and rubbing on the couch with a roommate.
From my words you can not understand that she does not consider that she is a good signing. But she also has an interest outside the house, which makes her pay attention to that (I will not comment anything in that sense, since it is not the subject of this forum)

Sofie, although she is not new, is the third time she visits RLC, the truth is that RLC has been improving in the different stages in which she was in the different houses since 2014 ...
Sofie, she has her shortcomings as to what I think she should have learned from what RLC is, and above all, that it is the girls themselves who have been raising the bar, so the clients, ask that the other girls comply ...
These words also do not interpret, I defend the jokes, like last night. As someone said (sorry for not remembering who made the comment), better not go into hiding, if you really do not want to get into that game.
But you also have to keep in mind, that's a two-something thing, maybe Naomi also had to say in that behavior.

Finally, Naomi, the last to arrive, she has as her partners a sexual potential, which I do not think will leave any client of RLC unnoticed. But I do the following reflection: Would she really go as far as her other companions?
Forgive, but my impression, is that she suppose it is the cause of Sofie, has not passed certain limits,

As always my eculubrations, they can be just me madness, like Don Quixote

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