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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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Why these girls can't learn to make a good party playlist is beyond me,,,,,the Dj is horrible,,,,just choose a bunch of really good songs,,,Add them to a playlist and then just let it play,,if people are dancing and the person controlling the music keeps changing the music every few seconds it throws the vibes off.

I'm so tired of seeing stuff go cold because someone has to keep stopping what they were doing to find a good song.

playlist GIF

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I know this is O.T. but might help others, i just bought and installed this and no more lagging on RLC,even when there may be a lot of traffic or quick movements on screen,it was bad at times for me,, now it seems all good and clear,really night and day. I went from getting 20 mbps to over 100 mbps,i'm with xfinity 175mbps plan, and no,i'm not a salesman for them,just trying to help with bad lag.:biggrin:A6210_3D_ENbox_Transparent_c.png

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