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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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2 hours ago, bud2966 said:

I'm shocked that leia is in her bed all covered up and not hiding in the room off of cam 7 hall :biggrin: 

she is lost without karol ,but karol has other interests like hanging with Nora  and now a boyfriend , I am so disappointed I had high hopes for her at first she is the main reason I kept my subscription for another month now all she does is lay in bed all day 

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Sorry if this upsets BBsq69 but the worship of Belle is very tedious. Nice eye candy of her pussy but the girl offers nothing to RLC. A couple of nights under the influence of drink and /or drugs where she participated in a major event but since then all she does is a bit of childish silly dancing and another 95% of the time laying on her bed belly first. I'm sure she must be suffering from bed sores by now!!

Add in the Twins and Leia and we have a care home for the eternally unoccupied! I'm not sure i have even noticed Avi yet!  Give Karol her own appartment and close down this one. it's too big anyway with shit cam positions. 



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