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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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2 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

If anyone wants to keep watching Sofie then it's within their right to do so.

I love Sofie but I hate and despise her fake shows,,,and I hate the fact that she still feels like she has to keep doing this night after night.

That's why people love Monica so much, it's because Monica just does whatever pleases her and it always ends up pleasing us in return,,,,, Monica's bates are authentic and amazing,,,,, 

With Sofie she does so much fake shit that I can't even tell what's real anymore with her,, It's like the boy who cried wolf,,, I gave Sofie so many chances to stop with the bullshit,,but the last straw was when she decided that she was going to take Naomi in the bathroom and hide so we would think that they were doing something there.

It's one thing to tease us and it's another to outright insult us and spit in our faces,,,, I still love her and I think that she is beautiful and sexy,,,but I will never kiss her ass and give her praise when she fucks up.


1. I do believe that Monica bates night after night also

2, Yes that was a bullshit--it happened , but it seems that you hold grudges and do not let go

3.  No one praised her for her fuck up, in fact, she was berated.  Tonite was not a fuck up and therefore she deserved the praise

This is just my opinion,--not attaching you

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1 minute ago, BBsq69 said:

... sin su permiso LOL


3 minutes ago, euromike69 said:

Si alguien quiere seguir mirando a Sofie, está en su derecho hacerlo.

Amo a Sofie pero odio y desprecio sus shows falsos ... y odio el hecho de que todavía siente que tiene que seguir haciendo esto noche tras noche.

Es por eso que la gente ama tanto a Monica, es porque Monica simplemente hace lo que le plazca y siempre termina complaciéndonos a cambio ... Los detalles de Mónica son auténticos e increíbles ... 

Con Sofie ella hace tanta mierda falsa que ni siquiera puedo decir qué es real con ella. Es como el niño que lloró lobo. Le di a Sofie tantas oportunidades de parar con la mierda, pero el colmo fue cuando decidió que iba a llevar a Naomi al baño y esconderse para que pudiéramos pensar que estaban haciendo algo allí.

Una cosa es burlarse de nosotros y otra es insultarnos y escupirnos en la cara, todavía la amo y creo que ella es hermosa y sexy, pero nunca la besaré en el culo y le haré elogios cuando ella se folla.


I told you, my role here is not to defend or accuse any girl. When I think we have to thank a girl for putting a little emotion in RLC, for me it's great. Likewise, if the girl, in my opinion, does things that are reprehensible, I do it without distinction.

As you say, hiding from the cameras, it is not defensible in any girl, but likewise, to spend day after day most of the time, outside the house, especially at prime time. Or not having just an interaction with the other girls, to give an example.

Finally, when it talks about what is real or not, I'm sorry, I do not have such a privileged mind, to know if a woman does what she does, because she feels like it, because she feels it, or simply because it's part of the game .

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That's the reason why I said that she does so many fake shows that even when she does something real or amazing it still doesn't feel that way,,,if you go back through these pages you will see that she does this stuff around the exact same time every single day,,,it's like she is on some sort of a schedule.

I am not talking badly about Sofie because I hate her,,I am talking and giving constructive criticism because I love her and just wish that she just lets things flow naturally instead of planning out stuff to do night after night.

I want it to be spontaneous,, I shouldn't be able to look at the time and be able to tell exactly when her show is about to start before she even starts it.

4 minutes ago, happyone said:

1. I do believe that Monica bates night after night also

2, Yes that was a bullshit--it happened , but it seems that you hold grudges and do not let go

3.  No one praised her for her fuck up, in fact, she was berated.  Tonite was not a fuck up and therefore she deserved the praise

This is just my opinion,--not attaching you


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2 minutes ago, vortios said:


I told you, my role here is not to defend or accuse any girl. When I think we have to thank a girl for putting a little emotion in RLC, for me it's great. Likewise, if the girl, in my opinion, does things that are reprehensible, I do it without distinction.

As you say, hiding from the cameras, it is not defensible in any girl, but likewise, to spend day after day most of the time, outside the house, especially at prime time. Or not having just an interaction with the other girls, to give an example.

Finally, when it talks about what is real or not, I'm sorry, I do not have such a privileged mind, to know if a woman does what she does, because she feels like it, because she feels it, or simply because it's part of the game .

you Explain it very good I wish I could do that 

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1 minute ago, Nick said:

ayer estaba viendo Niza y Amina fue más emocionante que la pobre Sofie, ella intentó darle un poco de crédito 

I think at least we should thank for trying to give a show. At least, those minutes have been exciting, and everyone who puts the note you consider.
But at least, I think that Thanks girls, it does not hurt.

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4 minutes ago, Nick said:

yesterday  I was watching Nice and Amina it was more exiting then poor Sofie ,she tried I gave her some credit 

Because that was natural,,and not planned out in advance,,you could see how much Amina wanted to fuck Nica.

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