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Girls on Vacation - General Chat Topic (Jan - Mar./2018)

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I'll reiterate this. My Belle:heart:, although the SINGLE camera position is good and the light is OK, is in the wrong apartment for her. Belle likes to party, not necessarily in the house, but would have totally got naked with the B2 girls last night and joined in the yoga. She might even be inspired into sexy exercising. She is the only one who seems to walk around B4 either naked or with a see-thru sometimes open robe, which used to be normal behaviour in B1. If we look at the other girls: Bea doesn't interact much, Karol is sexy but comes alive mainly with Nora, The Twins are best displaying themselves in her room (as we know Belle is but she does more than that, Leia yet to fulfill her promise, Avi good at distracting Belle but otherwise not making a huge mark.

The Barca nightlife, that Belle loves, seems a world away from B4 and the only bloke(s) that have entered have been from B3. I kind of hope Diane's phone call about bringing boys had come true and artificial help would not hurt. And please Twins, invite My Belle:heart: for a bath :biggrin:

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6 minutes ago, adamneve said:

Happy New year to all. May I ask is B1 ever coming back?

I very much doubt it, which is a real shame. Great memories although some poor camera placements. It certainly had atmosphere. It was more intimate than B2 although lacked the space for a big party and much better than the soulless B4.

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