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Martina & Alberto General Chat June - December 2018

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22 hours ago, tomtom98989898 said:

I just hope the guest takes a shower, she has not taken one anywhere lol

She uses an bucket and cleans herself,take mini baths in bathroom corner...in the blind spot of it.Also she showers with bikini on..maybe one day when the script advances she will take normal showers,Gess at some point the two girls will take at least an couple showers a day,that how it's done..

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3 hours ago, ze81 said:
  5 hours ago, Chicago515 said:

I think the website makes suggestions to the people on how they can increase viewers and ultimately membership. Sleeping in front of a free camera is one way to attract more attention.

Makes sense. Might help too if Alberto found something to do other than  playing video games. Gets boring after a while.

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6 minutes ago, xtreza1 said:

i wonder if something is gonna happen between martin'a friend and alberto's friend?

I was wondering about that too. Shell have to tear him away from Alberto and that video game console first.

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