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Thoughts on Illegal immigration?

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Can we intellectually talk about this tread?  Or will we just continue to trash each other?   It's  your choice.  A self professed educated man like you  Ridge would prefer the former I would think.  But we can easily continue on our current path which is at best idiotic. Rock on my man.  Let's be better than that.

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19 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

By "educate yourself",do you mean I should go to a reeducation camp like Mao set up in China? By the way,I'm of one of those stupid ,uneducated Trump followers who has a B.A. in Government and a M.B.A. I just didn't choose to be an elitist,condescending prick like you.

That's a blatant lie mate, only an idiot would believe that you've got the mental capacity to achieve those qualifications.  You cannot construct a compelling argument and you cannot deconstruct someone else's - you did not study to the level that you claim. Liar.

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3 hours ago, Maturin said:

That's a blatant lie mate, only an idiot would believe that you've got the mental capacity to achieve those qualifications.  You cannot construct a compelling argument and you cannot deconstruct someone else's - you did not study to the level that you claim. Liar.

If you don't believe me that's your problem you ignorant simpleton.It's amazing how you know so much more about my country and my life than I do. And whether or not you believe me is irrelevant because to me you are a nobody and a nothing. You are an unaccomplished elitist prick.You probably actually believe that your shit does not stink. MBA is the abbreviation for Masters in Business Administration.Only a pseudo- intellectual fool like you would say "an Masters in Business Administration" rather than "a Masters in Business Administration."Thanks once again for displaying your ignorance for everyone to see. Again,you are someone who has never had an original thought in his entire life. You just parrot the liberal.progressive,socialist propaganda that has been driven into your head. 

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3 hours ago, Maturin said:

That's a blatant lie mate, only an idiot would believe that you've got the mental capacity to achieve those qualifications.  You cannot construct a compelling argument and you cannot deconstruct someone else's - you did not study to the level that you claim. Liar.

I forgot,only you know the truth about the whole world. It's that know it all attitude of yours that prevents you from being truly intelligent. You have all the words,but there is no reality to your words. 

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On 6/22/2018 at 10:06 AM, Maturin said:

Maybe if you try to stop being such arrogant, ignorant arseholes and instead of trying to dominate everything and everyone, you try instead to work with your neighbours as partners you'll find that people will want to stay in their own countries because the living standards there are not totally shit.

Same with the refugees that you despise that are coming from Iraq and Syria, stop bombing the fuck out of these people - of course they don't want to stay in their own countries after you've bombed the fuckers out of hearth and home.

To solve your immigrant "problem," you need to understand what has caused the "problem," and believe me it is not the little brown guys that only own the clothes they are wearing when they are picked up by ICE that you should be so afraid of. These people are the least powerful people to walk on US soil. Despite what you are told every day, they are not they problem. Here is the main thing - understand that you are being lied to every second of your lives.  Ask yourselves why is your news media constantly claiming that immigrants are the issue that you should get mad at - because they just aren't

- Immigrants didn't steal your jobs - US business owners gave your jobs to people who will work for less money than you are wiling to work for.  It is as simple as that and your government lets that happen.  Whether it is business owners paying immigrants less within your borders, or business owners taking their manufacturing bases abroad - your government is allowing this to happen because their biggest donors are the very same business owners. And these very same business owners are getting their friends, the owners of your media, to make you blame the immigrants for your problem of having no jobs and shitty wages when it is the fucking business owners and your government that you should be angry with.

Your government is willing to spend 1/2 billion dollars on just one of these detention centres in order to keep the illusion that you are under attack from immigrants - just imagine what that money could be spent on in your local area in the form of business grants to local employers so that they can expand and create jobs for American citizens - but I guess that is too much like Communism for your indoctrinated souls (spoiler alert - it really isn't Communism).

I get that you don't understand this - if you did then you wouldn't be taking the tone that you do nor would you be writing the nonsensical stuff that you do but...  that's fine, you know that it's alright to be wrong and when people say "educate yourself," they don't actually mean that as a put down.  What they mean is that you are displaying gaps in your knowledge about some critical issues and that you could benefit from getting a more balanced view of whatever it is you are wrong about.  They aren't saying you are stupid, they are just saying you could know more, and usually, if you aren't a dick about it, they will be happy to help you.

But you never answered my question of "What do you recommend we do with people who illegally walk across our southern border?" Rather, you went off on some long-winded pseudo-intellectual socialist explanation for the cause of illegal immigration.

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

But you never answered my question of "What do you recommend we do with people who illegally walk across our southern border?" Rather, you went off on some long-winded pseudo-intellectual socialist explanation for the cause of illegal immigration.

Be better than that Ridge.  I know you have it in you. Stay on topic with no insults.  Are you incapable of doing that?  I don't think so.

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5 minutes ago, rammer said:

Be better than that Ridge.  I know you have it in you.  

You're criticizing me?Go back and read some of Maturin's comments.Or does he get a pass from you just because you agree with his political views and don't agree with mine?

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2 hours ago, Ridgerunner said:

If you don't believe me that's your problem you ignorant simpleton.It's amazing how you know so much more about my country and my life than I do. And whether or not you believe me is irrelevant because to me you are a nobody and a nothing. You are an unaccomplished elitist prick.You probably actually believe that your shit does not stink. MBA is the abbreviation for Masters in Business Administration.Only a pseudo- intellectual fool like you would say "an Masters in Business Administration" rather than "a Masters in Business Administration."Thanks once again for displaying your ignorance for everyone to see. Again,you are someone who has never had an original thought in his entire life. You just parrot the liberal.progressive,socialist propaganda that has been driven into your head. 

Haha, fuck's sake!!  You are priceless!!  This...

Only a pseudo- intellectual fool like you would say "an Masters in Business Administration" rather than "a Masters in Business Administration."

Fucking priceless!!

Only an actual fool, of the type that you continue to be, will say A before then pronouncing the letter M

It is an M, not a M.

You divvy.  Thanks for the laughs though, looks like CC has its new village idiot. hahahaha 😂

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2 minutes ago, Maturin said:

Haha, fuck's sake!!  You are priceless!!  This...

Only a pseudo- intellectual fool like you would say "an Masters in Business Administration" rather than "a Masters in Business Administration."

Fucking priceless!!

Only an actual fool, of the type that you continue to be, will say A before then pronouncing the letter M

It is an M, not a M.

You divvy.  Thanks for the laughs though, looks like CC has its new village idiot. hahahaha 😂

And the thing is, you've reread this a few times and you still don't fucking get it do you??!! 😂😂😂😂

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