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Comments & Quotes from Picture & Video Topics - Related to Removed Content (2018)

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23 minutes ago, zeus0101 said:

leora all video archive?

yes . most of them .but there is a condition it regarding about a premium membership.. if you got a premium member in CamCaps  you can get the videos of Leora in archive of CC..

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This video is a good example how 'sometimes' (and I'm being generous using that word), Paul has NO CLUE what he's doing. Purely from a scientific position of observation, look how distant Paul is within the first 5 minutes into the video.  Then at the end when Leora gets her 'cookie', Paul can't leave the room fast enough. He doesn't know how to connect with Leora during intimate moments.

He knows the basics (A goes into B). But as for romance or passion, he's clueless.

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35 minutes ago, Howard said:

This video is a good example how 'sometimes' (and I'm being generous using that word), Paul has NO CLUE what he's doing. Purely from a scientific position of observation, look how distant Paul is within the first 5 minutes into the video.  Then at the end when Leora gets her 'cookie', Paul can't leave the room fast enough. He doesn't know how to connect with Leora during intimate moments.

He knows the basics (A goes into B). But as for romance or passion, he's clueless.

So much this. The end of the video is a great example. No basking in the afterglow, no post coitus small talk or clean up its just "Get the fuck off me" and literally runs to the bathroom to clean up. The whole act for Paul is extremely sterile. It reminds me of those religious nuts who only have sex for the act of procreation. Meanwhile Leora is still twitching from her orgasm and trying to recover when Paul kicks her off.

The sad thing is that Leora is a very sexual being. You can see that she's trying different things or attempting too. Like in this video she was trying to do a bit of ass licking there and he made that stop in about 2 seconds. She's constantly trying to get him to blow his load down her throat. One time after they got done paul ran off to the bathroom and then brought her a towel to clean up. When he threw it at her she smiled at him and licked his load off her tits. He grimaced and mumbled something and went back to the bathroom.

Look don't get me wrong, aside from the sexual experiences Paul seems like a fairly stand up guy. I've seen him lose his temper once and grabbed Leora, but after that he's never laid a finger on her or even raised his voice. But he's pretty dull overall. He comes in, works at the PC or goes to sleep on the couch.

I've never seen he and Leora play around or have physical contact that wasn't clinically sterile. It's like he's a robot

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Hug.exe_Load Fail Retry/Abort?

Abort Hug.exe

Program_Sleep loaded successfully

Sleep initiated.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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watching the last video of them i believe i am once again confirmed that ok he is clueless and sexualy uneducated, but the lack of passion is not his fault.

if you observe HER, all her moves and poses are ONLY FOR THE CAMERA!

no matter how much you like/love a woman,  when she has sex WITH you and you understand tht she is NOT doing it FOR you.... u cant feel passion...

my personal opinion.

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I follow this couple since 2014 and what was then early love with passionate sex has gradually expanded to camsex for the money and the ratings.
Paul feels insecure about all this and realizes that a few thousand voyeurs watch when they have sex that does not benefit his performance, while leora acts as an accomplished actress but I like to see them busy.

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