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2 minutes ago, pahman said:

The meaning of voyeurism is as simple as 1+1=2 but you are trying to define it in your own way and want VH to follow your way. 

I post comments in a forum that is about a voyeur site. Indeed, there was a time when I wielded some influence, but not anymore at all. Even Jabs has very limited influence on VHTV anymore. Yes, I wish that they would have followed my vision of voyeurism, but they let me go. That's fine, I'm cool with that. I frees me to be who I am without care of how VHTV may feel about me. It's a very long story, but at the very heart of it all was my determination to make it possible for Violet and Jeff to be able to survive here. I became close friends with them and I knew what they were going through. So, I made it my quest to save them. In doing so, I was able to save others and I even helped place tenants on this site. I could write a novel about what was happening to me behind the scenes here. Alas! It all finally crumbled around the feet of AlexLina and that's where I was cut off for good. I was angry, but I'm not anymore. I don't care at all what VHTV does. I'm just here making comments like I used to as a person free from any burdens. VHTV can take my advice or not, I really don't care. 

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5 minutes ago, Joop said:



Yes, but the problem is that I am not able to find the word "respkt" in any English dictionary anymore. Its like the word is wiped out from the culture. 😉


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1 hour ago, pahman said:

With 32 apts and 4 cam show apts, i think there are enough choices. So i don't believe they will lose subscribers because of a few cam houses. 

the problem is the on-going trend.

During the golden age of VH (2016-mid 1018) , we did not have any cam apartment. It was quite interesting actually. We got to see real couples in love, their life challenges,fight, affair,love, until some of them got pregnant and left the place after we saw their beautiful pregnant body. 

After mid-2018 some career-cam-pros found that they can manipulate the VH business model, and it is becoming a trend. 

So the problem is not with the new generation of career-cam-pro participants, the problem is that they take the share from hard working hard-to-find participants like lovely Juliet. I can imagine the effort it took to organize the party last night. She found good looking guys and girls who agree (and sign consent) to flirt on cam.


If Juliet cannot take enough profit because subscribers were distracted with these two cam-clowns faking,  then she (Juliet) would not invest in such party and gradually, she would have to leave.



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6 minutes ago, zoifan said:

El problema es la tendencia actual.

Durante la edad de oro de VH (2016 a mediados de 1018), no teníamos ningún departamento de cámara. Fue bastante interesante en realidad. Pudimos ver a parejas reales enamoradas, sus desafíos de vida, peleas, relaciones amorosas, hasta que algunas de ellas quedaron embarazadas y abandonaron el lugar después de ver su hermoso cuerpo embarazado. 

Después de mediados de 2018, algunos profesionales de la carrera descubrieron que pueden manipular el modelo de negocios de VH, y se está convirtiendo en una tendencia. 

Entonces, el problema no está en la nueva generación de participantes de profesionales de la cámara, el problema es que se llevan la parte de los participantes que trabajan duro y son difíciles de encontrar, como la encantadora Juliet. Puedo imaginar el esfuerzo que tomó organizar la fiesta anoche. Encontró a chicos y chicas guapos que están de acuerdo (y firman su consentimiento) para flirtear en la cámara.


Si Juliet no puede obtener suficiente beneficio porque los suscriptores se distrajeron con estos dos payasos fingiendo, entonces ella (Juliet) no invertiría en esa fiesta y, gradualmente, tendría que irse.



Perfectly explained, thank you on behalf of those of us who think the same

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