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Nina & Kira General Chat Topic 2019 #1

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Hi all,

I missed this by just 15 minutes, but was able to watch it on Replay.

I am a bit puzzled. It didn't look too bad on camera. Some blood spewing by Nina. But Kira was clearly very upset, and as most of us know she is not easily upset. So something serious.

Kira is now asleep after a long waking night. 

My thougths went to something bad with her vocal cords, which might have an impact on her ambitions. On the other hand, Nina was still capable of regular talking, so problably not that.

I hope she returns safe en well.


That is what... the fourth time we saw emergency services in this apartment?

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Welcome to 2019.

The case is very serious, it concerns the upper respiratory tract, generally the larynx area, neck. So parts  the most important for singer - voice emission.

I think that Nina downplayed her previous visit to the hospital and did not follow all the recommendations. With diseases, generally speaking, the throat, there is always the possibility of damage to the vocal cords, respiratory patency, etc.

Kira packed Nina's belongings and brought her to the clinic. It looks like this time Nina will spend a few days there. Sterility, absolute purity of air and surroundings are important in such matters. Treatment also requires intravenous medication, which is impossible at home.

Nina is in a good clinic, she will stay there for a few days, hopefully she'll be back to full health and for singing. Her voice has been changed a little lately, she did not spare him - especially in the last quarrels.

 I think Nina's eating habits also  helped  illness. She almost does not eat anything, sweets, some fruit. It is not enough for the body to defend itself with illness.

I wish Nina and Kira  that everything would be back to normal, that the nearest plans would be successful.
To hear you, Nina

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22 minutes ago, jouandomy said:

Thank you @likidamber


Nina's health problems are nothing new. The ambulance was several times, and the cameras were turned off several times.

But I think that this is not a good place to discuss this topic.
The only thing is my surprise that Nina does not care for herself so much. Diet and a standardized cycle of activity help strengthen the body, help it fight the disease.
Young people thinking ,  that they to be indestructible ...

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26 minutes ago, likidamber said:


Nina's health problems are nothing new. The ambulance was several times, and the cameras were turned off several times.


But it seemed very serious now. I've never seen Nina spit blood. It was scary. I really hope this is not serious and she will get better.🙏

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