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B1 Girls on Vacation - General Topic February #2

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It's indecent, how Serafima uses Ginger to be entertained, making her try on various outfits, I wonder what s  the next step of enslavement by Serafima virus, of this poor Ginger
"Some of them want to use you" like sing Eurythmics...

but the second part is also true,so be it... :biggrin:

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9 minutes ago, DMcKenzie said:

Ginger seems a bit on the horny side tonight. :biggrin:

I've been hiding in the weeds for the last couple hours watching B1.  I watched the bath, I watched Sera lay on Gingers bed getting bored at her trying on a ton of clothes.  I watched her dress up in those red net stockings and parade around with Ginger.  Then I watched for an hour while Sera busied herself doing a ton of useless things to stall for time until Ginger couldn't stand it any more and took care of herself.  Then and only then did Sera pour 2 glasses of wine but she left them in the kitchen and went upstairs without them.  I honestly believe Sera was ready to take the next step tonight but she got scared again.  

I'm sorry Sera.  I've backed you and had faith in you ever since you got to B1 but I'm officially giving up.  You prove me wrong at every turn and I'm not going to do it anymore.  I have been about your only supporter and I will support you again but you have to give me some reason to regain my faith in you and I'm not confident you will do that.  You have to want to and sometimes I think you do and other times like tonight I just have too many doubts.  I refuse to slam you and call you lots of names but I can't be your defender anymore.  Please give me a reason to again.  

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