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B3 Amalia & Chris / Damira & Damon General Topic 2019 June #2

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il y a 3 minutes, Alladino a dit :

B4 isn't a one-bedroom apartment. If someone really can't stand sleeping under the same roof as a man, it might be better not to be in the cast at all. 

This Girls only bullshit goes way too far. Guys are part of real life and should not be constantly questioned. 

The best would be to take even more guys in the cast (up to 50%). That would finally bring some life into the apartments. 

I think what you want is covered by the couples apartments, when there are at least one guy and one girl in one apartment.

I think the Barcelona apartments concept is for them to bring in more girls. I do not want to see so many dicks in Barcelona. There is already the gay beach.

50% is too much IMO, 2-3 couples perhaps is just about right. I don't think the 2 couples concept at B3 is flawed, just dependable on whether both couples can form friendship and mix up together for us.

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9 minutes ago, Alladino said:

B4 non è un appartamento con una camera da letto. Se qualcuno non riesce a sopportare di dormire sotto lo stesso tetto di un uomo, potrebbe essere meglio non essere nel cast. 

Questa stronzata delle ragazze va troppo lontano. I ragazzi fanno parte della vita reale e non dovrebbero essere costantemente interrogati. 

La cosa migliore sarebbe prendere ancora più ragazzi nel cast (fino al 50%). Questo alla fine porterebbe un po 'di vita negli appartamenti. 

how do you call it real life, every party is for sexual purposes, all based on drugs and alcohol, guys always in the spotlight, guys who fuck with other girls who aren't their girlfriends or girls who share their boyfriend, is your life like this ??

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8 minutes ago, Mauri said:

how do you call it real life, every party is for sexual purposes, all based on drugs and alcohol, guys always in the spotlight, guys who fuck with other girls who aren't their girlfriends or girls who share their boyfriend, is your life like this ??


No, I would also end this stupid shows. If RLC cast people have fun to be swingers it would be fine (as most likely amalia and chris are), but it should not be pretend or even forced. 

A few guys in the cast could also lead to other girls inviting their acquaintances. There could finally be real guests in the apartments again.

So more guy are needed in Barcelona. Maybe not 50%, but for an Apartment like B4, three guys would be best. 



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6 minutes ago, Mauri said:

how do you call it real life, every party is for sexual purposes, all based on drugs and alcohol, guys always in the spotlight, guys who fuck with other girls who aren't their girlfriends or girls who share their boyfriend, is your life like this ??

not sure people pay a RLC subscription to watch their own boring life .  Even  if some events are special, yes in real life  a lot of young people drink , do drugs and bang girls.

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3 minutes ago, Alladino said:


No, vorrei anche finire questo stupido spettacolo. Se il cast di RLC si diverte a essere scambisti, andrebbe bene (come probabilmente amalia e chris), ma non dovrebbe essere pretesto o forzato. 

Alcuni ragazzi nel cast potrebbero anche portare altre ragazze ad invitare i loro conoscenti. Finalmente potrebbero esserci nuovi ospiti negli appartamenti.

Quindi sono necessari più ragazzi a Barcellona. Forse non il 50%, ma per un appartamento come B4, tre ragazzi sarebbero i migliori. 



if you've noticed. Amalia doesn't want Chris to fuck the others, in fact every time they fight, so he will always be forced

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Just now, Mauri said:

if you've noticed. Amalia doesn't want Chris to fuck the others, in fact every time they fight, so he will always be forced

What do you mean ?

Amalia pushed Daniela to Chris. A few days ago, they were both ready to go further with Pam but she chickened out

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il y a 2 minutes, phantomcapsnet a dit :

not sure people pay a RLC subscription to watch their own boring life .  Even  if some events are special, yes in real life  a lot of young people drink , do drugs and bang girls.

Ya something like that. I wonder who will pay RLC to watch girls and dudes walking around the house doing nothing and not providing sexual entertainment for example.

And there can be no real life on cameras when the tenants know about the cameras. They will at times hide from the cameras, be wary of their actions and words and build tents on their beds.

Do you build tents on your bed when u r at home??? Some of these fxxking girls do it all the time!

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3 minutes ago, phantomcapsnet said:

Cosa intendi ?

Amalia ha spinto Daniela a Chris. Pochi giorni fa, erano entrambi pronti ad andare oltre con Pam ma lei si è presa una brutta piega

no, it was Daniela who approached Chris, in fact then A&C quarreled and left B1, when they returned, Daniela convinced Amalia, it happened the second time but Pam didn't touch him

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11 minutes ago, Mauri said:

if you've noticed. Amalia doesn't want Chris to fuck the others, in fact every time they fight, so he will always be forced 

Yeah, maybe, and all this is called real life. 

If she's having fun with other girls, why shouldn't he (assuming he finds a girl agree)? Real life is not a show, it's real emotions and real decisions. You think Chris is happy to be sent away all the time? 


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3 minutes ago, Alladino said:

Sì, forse, e tutto questo si chiama vita reale. 

Se si diverte con altre ragazze, perché non dovrebbe (supponendo che trovi una ragazza d'accordo)? La vita reale non è uno spettacolo, sono emozioni vere e decisioni reali.


yes, but only if your girlfriend agrees you do it, but when you hear the word "MONEY" let yourself be convinced, I don't think that before being on RLC they exchanged pairs, otherwise you wouldn't have problems doing it here,

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