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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2019 July #4

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Ahora me hago una pregunta, si tenían pensado darle a Megan el dormitorio principal, porque no pusieron a Damira desde el principio en la habitación que hasta hoy ocupaba Megan?, una habitación con mejores cámaras y algo mas grande...

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2 hours ago, Mauri said:

I imagine that Megan's boyfriend will come this weekend

he will come soon I have no doubt with that, everything is made for he comes,

if megan moved in the big bedroom this is not an accident

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2 minutes ago, Theblacknight04 said:

Hai ragione continuare a non pagare e commentare qui, decisione intelligente 

I do what I want, I canceled my subscription since Megan arrived, because I knew she would bring her boyfriend, to share it with the other girls, that's what I don't want to see, if you can understand it, but I don't think so.

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Just now, Mauri said:

Io faccio quello che voglio, ho cancellato il mio abbonamento dal Megan è arrivata, perché sapevo che avrebbe portato il suo ragazzo, di condividerlo con le altre ragazze, questo è quello che non voglio vedere, se si può capire, ma io don 't pensano così.

And so now your nightmare it s true, you have to continue broke the balls?

Your comment are just about this

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1 minute ago, Theblacknight04 said:

E così ora il tuo incubo è vero, devi continuare a rompere le palle?

Il tuo commento riguarda solo questo

you're the one who commented on my post, don't break my balls and get out of my cock

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