Raul399 Posted September 3, 2019 Posted September 3, 2019 Now she makes a videoconference her friend .. And I'm dying of laughter .. Ha ha ha ha
Raul399 Posted September 3, 2019 Posted September 3, 2019 1 minute ago, fga said: O que está a leora a fazer agora I don't know what he does .. I'm in the garden after a swim in the pool .. Ha ha 1
gogism Posted September 3, 2019 Posted September 3, 2019 Well, let's do some thinking (I mean the ones that are equiped with the necessary tool, hehe) about Her majestices fan(atic)s. There are more of them, but - to go easy (on non equiped ones) let's just see 2 kinds of them. I guess, fan(atic)s are the ones, that would have their woman mostly by the stove, cooking and through the day just doing stuff around the appartement - cleaning, vacuuming, ironing, making her man happy from time to time (under covers and without the lights, of course, hehe) feeding the (dam) dog regulary etc... Under no circumctances and god forbid - if she even thinks about her (bodily perhaps) needs, not touching herself in any way but regular personal hygiene (and even then - she should think about not spending to much water and go easy with her make-up), not to mention any critical thoughts about her beloved partner satisfying her...huh - blasfemy... - sexual needs...and of course - last but not least - in anyway trying to climb the furniture That is all just - out of the question. Not negotiable. Hush, women - go anyplace else if you dont like it. There's a list of what you may do and - that's it! Nothing more. Aaaaand - there are those fan(atic)s that love woman in general. That enjoy them flying around on the wings of their womanhood. That enjoy their beauty in every aspect. And who are able to go over their woman sillyness and all the small pains in the butt they cause sometimes.... They love them, cherish them play with them - in general and in sexual manner - and even encourage them to explore their sexuality - for sure some special kind of fan(atic)s benefit from it. Guess what - even woman benefit from it. So in anyway - they are happy that the woman is around and are not judging her for being herself whatsoever. My dear Leora - accept a kiss from your fan. And btw - could you climb on the table again someday and do some (nude of course, hehe) twerking for us? 😉 2 1
Raul399 Posted September 3, 2019 Posted September 3, 2019 Ikea table .. 17.70 euros .... Masturbating on the table .. IT HAS NO PRICE hahaha 3
Raul399 Posted September 3, 2019 Posted September 3, 2019 https://www.amazon.es/Barnizar-Beistelltisch-Couchtisch-55X45X55-55x45x55/dp/B01FLRPR40/ref=asc_df_B01FLRPR40/?tag=googshopes-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=263232703188&hvpos=1o2&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15577217734725922227&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=20297&hvtargid=pla-435737865510&psc=1
West_California Posted September 3, 2019 Posted September 3, 2019 19 minutes ago, fga said: I'm not an rlc member either. I got both..I don't have to pay rent....
West_California Posted September 3, 2019 Posted September 3, 2019 3 minutes ago, raul399 said: Ikea table .. 17.70 euros .... Masturbating on the table .. IT HAS NO PRICE hahaha I don't believe its on the Menu...
West_California Posted September 3, 2019 Posted September 3, 2019 Ikea: Horney PPL, Het Tu Da Bak.....
brian smith Posted September 3, 2019 Posted September 3, 2019 51 minutes ago, raul399 said: I don't know what he does .. I'm in the garden after a swim in the pool .. Ha ha If you listen to Raul who must have left this Forum about 20 times in the last couple of day's but in fact never left... With Raul it's like trying to understand a Sonnet from the greatest writer and Bard of all time dare I say Will Shakespeare no less... So we are in good company with said Spaniard ...If I said he spoke in Riddles that the great Riddler himself would be proud of it would be near the mark... Before each outburst sentence he just as to say "Riddle me This"... he is no doubt Box Office material...
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