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Leora - General Chat Topic 2019 #5


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6 hours ago, jimbo4 said:

Iwis is probably right, it is trash talk. Your suggestion that it is only comments is true also, along with your suggestion to open another thread. But this thread is for General Chat so I think that it should be for those who want to trash talk her continuously to open the alternative thread, and leave this one to those who don't want to do so.Its not slowing her down any but it seems to have turned this part of the forum into a three man show of poor taste.

This thread used to be quite entertaining with different opinions on different subjects, but has now been hijacked and has sunk to new depths,and if she did ever read what is written she would not be flattered or amused by the infantile and disrespectful comments that some people are trying to justify as words of endearment.

I personally just block the individuals comments, but there are others I'm sure who will be driven away from the forum and not renew membership in the future.

Just my opinion folks.

Agree 100%.(I already feared being the only one who didn't like this kind of language.)
Thanks Jimbo

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2 hours ago, gogism said:

Have just started a new topic, hope that some will appreciate and the others...move to have a blast over there, hehe

Cheers!   🙂

Nah, I said I would create one, but I don't appreciate your sassy attitude, so I will stay here now 🙂

Might as well rename this thread to "Sassy betamales with low testosterone and erectile dysfunction over 70"

write your long negative complaints and opinions here to make sure Leoras pussy stay dry 24/7

post a really boring gif that reveals your age while you're at it, let's keep that clam closed gentlemen 🙂

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2 minutes ago, raul399 said:

I think that my way of expressing myself and describing what I see ... this thread is the right one to continue publishing my opinions ..
in the new thread I have already expressed what I think of that thread:biggrin:

No reason why you can't write in both if you feel like it.

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