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B4 Girls on Vacation - General Topic 2019 - October #5 / November #1

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1 minute ago, Mauri said:

but if you don't say that you want to see the boys and complain if they don't have sex, end it. Kristy's apartment was different and they brought their real boyfriends, here in Gov, the girls all have boyfriends at home, so if you see them carrying someone, it's a betrayal


There is also a very simple solution for this. If a girl has a BF, both should simply come together into the project. I think that B4 would be particularly suitable for this. There is more than enough space and many possibilities to spend time together and separately. 

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9 minutes ago, Alladino said:


C'è anche una soluzione molto semplice per questo. Se una ragazza ha un BF, entrambi dovrebbero semplicemente unirsi al progetto. Penso che B4 sarebbe particolarmente adatto a questo. C'è spazio più che sufficiente e molte possibilità di trascorrere del tempo insieme e separatamente. 

there, it's called couples on vacation, B4 is called girls on vacation, do you understand the difference? probably not

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2 hours ago, Mauri said:

I'm sure you don't know what REAL LIFE CAM and VOYEUR means, in B1 it was a party with friends at home, what should they have done? why do they have to have guests - guys and having sex to make you say it's real? if you want to see sex watch VHTV or a porn site, why are you here?
  I don't think that in your life, you bring home different women every day and party with them and you definitely you don't won't an orgy.

Especially when you are on vacation, you leave your apartment and enjoy the party live in discos, clubs or whatever you prefer and do not try to bring the party to your apartment far away of the centre.

This guy is so far from reality and is claiming he in the only one who knows what real life is.

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1 minute ago, Mauri said:

there, it's called couples on vacation, B4 is called girls on vacation, do you understand the difference? probably not

Why this separation? As if the girls wouldn't meet boys in Barcelona. 

It's about finally seeing something of their lives. That was the whole idea of RLC, do you remember? 

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5 minutes ago, Alladino said:

Perché questa separazione? Come se le ragazze non incontrassero ragazzi a Barcellona. 

Si tratta di vedere finalmente qualcosa della loro vita. Questa era l'idea di RLC, ricordi? 

of course they can meet guys outside, but they don't necessarily have to do something together and fuck. the idea of RLC is not what you want, first learn what the voyeur is

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9 minutes ago, billiboy said:

Soprattutto quando sei in vacanza, lasci il tuo appartamento e goditi la festa dal vivo in discoteche, club o wharever che preferisci e non provi a portare la festa nel tuo appartamento lontano dal centro.

Questo ragazzo è così lontano dalla realtà e afferma di essere l'unico a sapere cos'è la vita reale.

if he knew what real life he was saying, he wasn't here looking at that of others

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Just now, Mauri said:

of course they can meet guys outside, but they don't necessarily have to do something together and fuck. the idea of RLC is not what you want, first learn what the voyeur is


Now please don't tell me that a voyeur has no interest in the sex life of the people he is watching. That is basically the definition of yoyerism:

"Voyeurism is the sexual interest in or practice of spying on people engaged in intimate behaviors, such as undressing, sexual activity, or other actions usually considered to be of a private nature.[1]"


In the end RLC says much more. They promise a glimpse into the private lives of the residents. How could that be possible if all living happens somewhere else? 

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9 minutes ago, Alladino said:


Ora, per favore, non dirmi che un voyeur non ha interesse per la vita sessuale delle persone che sta guardando. Questa è fondamentalmente la definizione di yoyerism:

"Il voyeurismo è l' interesse o la pratica sessuale di spiare persone impegnate in comportamenti intimi, come spogliarsi, attività sessuale o altre azioni generalmente considerate di natura privata. [1] "


Alla fine RLC dice molto di più. Promettono di dare un'occhiata alla vita privata dei residenti. Come potrebbe essere possibile se tutta la vita accade altrove? 

Did you read correctly what voyeurism is? but you still don't understand it I see.
"Voyeurism is the sexual interest in a practice of spying on people engaged in intimate behavior, such as undressing, sexual activity, or other actions usually considered to be a private nature. [1]"
  the problem is that you only want to see sex, you don't care about other things. they are not obliged to bring someone from outside other than their real boyfriend, just to make you happy that you want sex. this is not the concept of RLC,

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3 minutes ago, Alladino said:

Why this separation? As if the girls wouldn't meet boys in Barcelona. 

It's about finally seeing something of their lives. That was the whole idea of RLC, do you remember? 

And this is exactly the point. If they have BF's at home and are having fun with other boys in this vacation scenario, they might not be interested that this can be seen on cam.

7 minutes ago, Alladino said:

Why this separation? As if the girls wouldn't meet boys in Barcelona. 

It's about finally seeing something of their lives. That was the whole idea of RLC, do you remember? 

You still do not understand the RLC concepts. They have apartments, which are the living places of the tenants, and for these I'am more or less with you. The other apartments (GOV, COV) should show the real life side on vacation. Certainly they stay longer than people stay usually an vacation, but RLC will not be able to replace girls every 3 weeks). And if Kristy or her friends go on vacation, they for sure do different things than they did in their living apartment.

RLC will never change this concept, but if you believe you can convince them, send your messages to them. In this forum you obviously cannot convince anybody, and even if you did, it would not change anything.
With your expectations you are completely wrong watching RLC, at least for the apartments GOV. And for this forum it is really annoying to read your improvement suggestions outside the realm of reality again and again and again ... 

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Just now, Mauri said:

Did you read correctly what voyeurism is? but you still don't understand it I see.
"Voyeurism is the sexual interest in a practice of spying on people engaged in intimate behavior, such as undressing, sexual activity, or other actions usually considered to be a private nature. [1]"
  the problem is that you only want to see sex, you don't care about other things. they are not obliged to bring someone from outside other than their real boyfriend, just to make you happy that you want sex. this is not the concept of RLC,


I just told you there are hardly any guests and no real parties in this apartment. I said at the same time that for me partying is not synonymous with sex. If i would only like to see sex, i would just watch porn. Sure, I'm also interested that the sex the most likely have doesn't just happen somewhere else, but i am not only interested in seeing sex. 

I think you deliberately want to misunderstand me. Maybe we should finish this topic for today. 

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2 minutes ago, billiboy said:

E questo è esattamente il punto. Se hanno BF a casa e si divertono con altri ragazzi in questo scenario di vacanza, potrebbero non essere interessati al fatto che questo può essere visto in cam.

Non capisci ancora i concetti di RLC. Hanno appartamenti, che sono i luoghi di vita degli inquilini, e per questi sono più o meno con te. Gli altri appartamenti (GOV, COV) dovrebbero mostrare il lato della vita reale in vacanza. Sicuramente rimangono più a lungo di quanto le persone restino di solito in vacanza, ma RLC non sarà in grado di sostituire le ragazze ogni 3 settimane). E se Kristy o le sue amiche vanno in vacanza, fanno sicuramente cose diverse da quelle che hanno fatto nel loro appartamento.

RLC non cambierà mai questo concetto, ma se ritieni di poterli convincere, inviagli i tuoi messaggi. In questo forum ovviamente non puoi convincere nessuno e, anche se lo facessi, non cambierebbe nulla.
Con le tue aspettative ti sbagli completamente guardando RLC, almeno per il GOV degli appartamenti. E per questo forum è davvero fastidioso leggere i tuoi suggerimenti di miglioramento al di fuori del regno della realtà ancora e ancora e ancora ... 

and above all enough with this boys thing

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