Johnny 5 Posted December 27, 2019 Posted December 27, 2019 6 minutes ago, jimbo4 said: I will leave it at that. I doubt it, but that would be great, I have no ego, I've read the power of now bro, great read! I have no urge to argue with anyone and don't understand people that do, they seem primitive to me
pulo filipe Posted December 27, 2019 Posted December 27, 2019 Basta de guerra vamos ser amigos Basta de discutir estou não leva a lugar nenhum 😗😙😘😏😉😎😀😁😍🤝🤝🤝 2
Guest Felix75 Posted December 27, 2019 Posted December 27, 2019 3 hours ago, jimbo4 said: Having observed this forum for the past few weeks I have come to the conclusion this is not the same forum I joined several years ago......It has now degenerated to nothing better than a naughty dirty immature schoolboys under the counter, first wanking experience It has become a crude caricature of its former self, with nobody bothering to post items in their proper slots, and pathetic immature “men “ professing their nauseating love for a woman who is although very beautiful and erotic is still only a fantasy, but also a real person who deserves and is entitled to respect. If these people respected her at all they would not be urging her to debase herself to act out their perverted dreams. Why can’t they allow her to express herself in her own way as she feels comfortable with, instead of wishing her to become a two bit cam-girl....She should be treated better than just a piece of meat. The lunatics have finally taken over the asylum, with pictures continually being posted in general chat threads and individuals constantly urging her to become cruder .....Shame on you all...You don’t deserve her. No I haven’t gone mad, just embarrassed and ashamed at what we as men are capable of lowering ourselves to. Yes, you can all have your pound of flesh from me as and when you wish, I am immune to it, so fill your boots lads the field is yours....But no amount of abuse will camouflage the fact that the way some of you behave is exactly why she believes the majority of us on CC and RLC are just filthy minded perverts... Happy New Year to all. People often do not even respect themselves, what to say about respect for others. But they love to call each other "Gentlemen" so well, I don’t think they will get what they ask from Leora ever. If sometimes their desires coincide, then this does not mean that their requests were satisfied as they think. But they believe that they have some kind of power over Leora. This is ridiculous, no more. Do not pay attention to this nonsense.
Newark52 Posted December 27, 2019 Posted December 27, 2019 3 hours ago, Johnny 5 said: Deja vu.. I think it's pretty incredible how long some people have watched her, without getting to know her at all, to you she is some kind of upper class older woman who gets as offended as you over people just trying to have fun and kill time, trust me, you are not from the same generation, I am, she can take anything, the only thing that would probably bother her are the occasional negative posts full of nasty namecalling that just brings down the otherwise good vibes of the forum.. very good afternoon fga, have a great happy day with joy!!! 🌞 Before you go making comments about no one knowing her, may I suggest you bury yourself in the old apartment archives, and when you've read all that's been posted in there, sorting out all the conjecture from the facts you may if it's possible to be much wiser. Just because people don't go bleating on about her doesn't mean people don't know her, before the Trolls decided to pick on her she was in contact with quite a few CC subscribers (I wasn't one but I do know those who were) much to the annoyance of RLC. All those that did now probably sit back and probably laughing at the crass comments being posted on CC about her now. 2 1
Johnny 5 Posted December 27, 2019 Posted December 27, 2019 I was only refering to the ones who think that Leora will be horribly offended and feel disrespected by me worshipping her ass, it's absurd, it's something she has worked hard to make sure I do forever🥰 besides that I worship the rest of her just as much, but maybe that doesn't come across in my comments
daerjohn2015 Posted December 27, 2019 Posted December 27, 2019 4 hours ago, jimbo4 said: Na constatering van dit forum in de afgelopen weken heb ik tot de conclusie gekomen dat is niet hetzelfde forum Ik werd lid van een aantal jaren geleden zijn ...... Het is nu verworden tot niets beter dan een ondeugende vuile onvolwassen schooljongens onder de toonbank, eerste wanking ervaring Het is uitgegroeid tot een ruwe karikatuur van zijn vroegere zelf, met niemand lastig om items te plaatsen in de juiste slots, en zielig onvolwassen “mannen“belijdende hun misselijkmakende liefde voor een vrouw die al heel mooi en erotisch is nog steeds slechts een fantasie, maar ook een echte persoon die het verdient en heeft recht op respect. Als deze mensen haar gerespecteerd ze niet zou worden aandringen dat ze zich verlagen om op te treden uit hun perverse dromen. Waarom kunnen ze niet haar in staat stellen om zich te uiten op haar eigen manier als ze zich prettig bij voelt, in plaats van haar die een twee bit cam-girl te worden .... moeten ze beter worden behandeld dan alleen een stuk vlees. The Lunatics zijn eindelijk overgenomen van de asiel, met foto's voortdurend worden geplaatst in het algemeen praatje draden en individuen haar voortdurend aandringen ruwere geworden ..... Schaam je alles ... Je hoeft haar niet verdienen. Nee, ik heb niet gek geworden, maar in verlegenheid gebracht en beschaamd over wat we als mannen in staat zijn om onszelf te verlagen tot. Ja, u kunt al uw pond vlees van mij als en wanneer u dat wenst, ben ik immuun voor, dus vul je laarzen jongens het veld is van jou .... Maar geen enkele hoeveelheid van misbruik zal camoufleren het feit dat de manier waarop sommige van jullie gedragen is precies de reden waarom ze de meerderheid van ons gelooft, CC en RLC zijn gewoon smerig gelijkgestemde perverselingen ... Gelukkig Nieuwjaar voor iedereen. Fully agree with you. happy and healthy 2020 to all CC readers 3
Newark52 Posted December 27, 2019 Posted December 27, 2019 8 minutes ago, Johnny 5 said: I was only refering to the ones who think that Leora will be horribly offended and feel disrespected by me worshipping her ass, it's absurd, it's something she has worked hard to make sure I do forever🥰 besides that I worship the rest of her just as much, but maybe that doesn't come across in my comments Correct, it doesn't come across in your comments, they are a touch immature, but I will agree with you about her being a fine looking young woman 1
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