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Leora - General Chat Topic 2020 January #2


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8 minutes ago, sexy girl said:

Si me dice lo que hace el reto más interesante ... que puede hacer dos días de caza el primer día Leora y yo (ya que ella se aburre la invitamos) que sí la presa, vamos a ver si llegamos a "" "con un golpe" 'tanto ... Segundo día en que la presa y Paul ... y veamos si '' hit y dispararte', con un golpe jajaja

hahaha... I'm going to have to open an instagram with the nick of raul 399 so we can get in touch with leora... the hunt will be very interesting and fun... hahaha

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4 minutes ago, sexy girl said:

Voy a decir que al verlos tan cerca en el sofá abrazado la ternura y la envidia ... Es bueno ser abrazado por la noche para ser mimado con la persona que amas ... Es triste saber que van a estar hablando el uno al otro antes de que Paul de salida ...

talk about unimportant things... that Katia will go for six days... and people who are very stupid... normal things... hahaha

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I will tell you that seeing them so close on the sofa embraced tenderness and envy ... Nice to be embraced in the evening to be pampered with the person you love ... Sad to know that they will be talking to each other before Paul's departure ...

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7 minutes ago, raul399 said:

hahaha ... dovrò aprire un instagram con il nick di raul 399 in modo da poter entrare in contatto con leora ... la caccia sarà molto interessante e divertente ... hahaha

Raul 369 also suits us (3 times at 69 ahahahah)

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Has anyone wonder how Leora has lasted so long in this new apartment,  because what has been happening since Paul arrived has been the total opposite of that, it was the exact reason Lana & Robert did not last long.... I'm not saying it's a fact, but it's just my opinion

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7 minutes ago, sexy girl said:

Raul 369 también se adapta a nosotros (3 veces en 69 ahahahah)

in instagram she does not have to turn down the phone light, as she does when she enters cc..hahaha
and copy the dialogues and then go to the translator...
you see how I'm an observant man... hahaha

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3 minutes ago, raul399 said:

in instagram she does not have to turn down the phone light, as she does when she enters cc..hahaha
and copy the dialogues and then go to the translator...
you see how I'm an observant man... hahaha

Ahahahah yes yes that's right I do this ... Ahahah

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22 minutes ago, esanders9863 said:

Has anyone wonder how Leora has lasted so long in this new apartment,  because what has been happening since Paul arrived has been the total opposite of that, it was the exact reason Lana & Robert did not last long.... I'm not saying it's a fact, but it's just my opinion

Hello kiss, honestly I didn't follow the story between lana and Robert ... I don't know how Leora and Paul manage to stay so long separated and see each other so little ... I had already written it months ago in a post asking the same thing because I could not ... Can I only speculate that there could be a considerable cash reward behind it? Could it be a kind of favor that Leora does to rlc (rlc has "discovered and launched" "Leora ... After closing Russian apartments rlc was losing registrations so asked a kind of favor to Leora to come back to raise the program? Or simply because for now Leora likes this life that she doesn't want to give up because it makes her feel good .. probably none of these hypotheses will be the truthful one ...

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15 minutes ago, sexy girl said:

Hola beso, la verdad es que no siguió la historia entre Lana y Robert ... No sé cómo Leora y Paul logran mantenerse tanto tiempo separados entre sí y ver tan poco ... yo ya había escrito hace meses en un post preguntando lo mismo, porque no podía ... solo puedo especular que podría haber una considerable recompensa en efectivo detrás de esto? Podría ser una especie de favor que le hace a Leora RLC (RLC ha "descubierto y puesto en marcha" "Leora ... Después de cerrar apartamentos rusos RLC estaba perdiendo registros por lo preguntó a un tipo a favor de Leora volver a subir el programa? O simplemente porque por ahora Leora le gusta esta vida que ella no quiere renunciar porque la hace sentir bien .. probablemente ninguna de estas hipótesis será la verdadera ...

hello.. hahaha..
the first video conferences with her friend.. 
Leora confessed to him that she had accepted this.. because she was feeling empty after living so long with cameras, and was very depressed, and felt insecure without cameras..

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