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Hakeem General Chat Topic #2 2020 February


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1 hour ago, Teip2019 said:

7:27 Mr.B fucks AsianGirl without a condom and he uses QuestionGirl's lubricant. What a fool. Attacks property of strangers. Hopefully this fool will finally be exposed.

As mentioned earlier... its going to catch up on him..

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7 minutes ago, adamneve said:

9.25 AsianGirl leaves.. she does not make the bed..unlike QuestionGirl...

I think AsianGirl is lazy. I don't see through this aunt and I think she's just awesome at Mr.B's big cock and everything else doesn't seem to interest her.


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Peut-être quelle c'est aperçue que des affaires ont été laissé par des rivales potentielles si Hakeem continue de mentir à propos des caméras cela finira mal

Maybe what it is spotted that cases were left by potential rivals if Hakeem keeps lying about the cameras it will end badly

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3 minutes ago, scoutouyoufe said:

Peut-être quelle c'est aperçue que des affaires ont été laissé par des rivales potentielles si Hakeem continue de mentir à propos des caméras cela finira mal

Maybe what it is spotted that cases were left by potential rivals if Hakeem keeps lying about the cameras it will end badly

I can't wait...😁

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A quiet night and morning for HTU and Madame Red who looked....somewhat disappointed of a no action night.. just minimum conversation.. but five kisses from her to leave with 9.am.... is Hakeem looking at a possible holiday with her?....

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