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22 hours ago, moos54 said:

I have no doubt that you are older than me compared to RLC and CC, which I find heartbreaking for you because you have been inflicting yourself a torture for several years on something that you do not appreciate

Unless you try to tell us that for all these years you have always been a premium member of RLC and that you watch the life of Nelly and Bogdan every day to allow yourself to say that you do not like them, which would mean that you've been lying to everyone for a very long time :biggrin:

For my part, I have only been present on CC and premium member of RLC for 5 years, the beginning of the participation of this couple that you do not like, I knew them when they were in Italy, then in Russia and finally now in Spain, I can tell you how they are when they quarrel, when they receive family or friends, I can tell you about the day of their wedding and all the things that they have been willing to share over the years, on the other hand I don't think you can do the same

Compared to what I can see on the forum, you hate and despise everyone, be it RLC, the participants in this project and especially the premium members who appreciate this project
However this does not prevent you from begging for videos or photos of the participants of this project and there are still members who are nice enough to do it.

For my part, it's been a long time since I understood that you took everyone for idiots :biggrin:

Listen up you egotistical person, i'm not inflicting any kind of torture upon myself.  I do not appreciate the hierarchy of RLC and the way they have ruined what was once a great website.  For some stupid reason you have this idea of me that I'm some bad person because I speak my mind and I don't coddle these porn actors...and that just shows that you don't know a DAMN thing about me or what I stand for!!

I haven't had any kind of membership going on 4 years now Moos and maybe one day you will get that through your thick head.  Before I became a non member of RLC, I had observed the actions and the guests of Nelly & Bogdan, looking for a guest that might have been willing to show more than her smile.  In doing those observations, I've seen guest snorting cocaine off the counter top in the public bathroom and various other incidents that told me I didn't like the two.  You can support the drug use of all these tenants, I sir....do not!!  Nelly & Bogdan are controlling people and their involvement in B4 is just ridiculous.  They are managers of the Barcelona apartments and they have no business being involved in the project.

I could careless if you can tell me about their times in Italy, Russia, or now in Spain!!  There will never be anything that you can tell me that will change my mind about them....you're wasting your breath!

I do not hate anyone Moos, not you or Miscvoyeur or Ed2 or anyone else.  I simply look at it different than you and because I do, the all mighty defender of everything RLC thinks I'm a bad person.  If anything it is you that needs to grow up and see that not everyone is going to fall prey to your constant berating of them!

I don't beg for videos or pictures anymore as you say, I have in the past but I don't beg for them anymore.  Every now and then, when I logon to the forum, I am greeted with a gift or two from very generous members of this forum.  I appreciate them and they know I do without a doubt.  They know the kind of person I am, and you sir....don't have a clue!!

If the way i approach some of the comments of this forum comes off to you or any other member as taking them for idiots, then so be it.  I haven't ever sugar coated anything and not about to start now because of you!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
2 hours ago, sigfried said:

it's said that alcohol addiction is 10x harder to quit than heroin

It's said that quitting a fucked up site like RLC is 100X harder than quitting alcohol addiction!!  From a non participant, it's really easy to see just how desperate the viewers are.  The viewers are now molded to watching the same shit over an over again and it's a pity that RLC is still on the air of the WWW!!

I used to think Elmira was different but the more I read and the more I'm told, she's just a damn good actress!!  She's always hiding to the best of her ability unless she is asleep and doesn't know she is letting the cat out of the bag. I read where she has had 9 bates but to be honest, I know from past experiences that at least half of those (and I'm being generous) are very hidden and to be honest I don't mind reading that, but she is just another sheep in the heard.

Leora and Malia....you can only watch the same movie for a very limited amount of time.  My favorite movie is..."The Big Lebowski" and I might watch it once in a years time.  RLC is struggling but they make no signs of improving anything. That dickhead Lucian and his weird ass partner Alexandra are two people that should have been removed a long time ago.  Before any of you start in on me, this whole pandemic bullshit is just another reason for RLC to pass the buck on making any moves within the apartments...it's just too easy for them to stay at status quo.   I don't buy any of it and neither should any of you!!

You viewers are weak individuals and you deserve what you get!!

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7 hours ago, HarleyFatboy said:

It's said that quitting a fucked up site like RLC is 100X harder than quitting alcohol addiction!!  From a non-paying participant, it's really easy to see just how desperate the viewers are.  The viewers are now molded to watching the same shit over and over again and it's a pity that RLC is still on the air of the WWW!!

I used to think Elmira was different but the more I read watch and the more I'm told, I see, she's just a damn good actress!!  She's always hiding to the best of her ability unless she is asleep and doesn't know she is letting the cat out of the bag. I read watched where she has had 9 bates but to be honest, I know from past experiences that at least half of those (and I'm being generous) are very hidden and to be honest I don't mind reading  watching that, but she is just another sheep in the heard.

Leora and Malia....you can only watch the same movie for a very limited amount of time.  My favorite movie is..."The Big Lebowski" and I might watch it once in a years time.  RLC is struggling but they make no signs of improving anything. That dickhead Lucian and his weird ass partner Alexandra are two people that should have been removed a long time ago.  Before any of you start in on me, this whole pandemic bullshit hoax is just another reason for RLC to pass the buck on making any moves within the apartments...it's just too easy for them to stay at status quo.   I don't buy any of it and neither should any of you!!

You viewers are  I am a weak individual and you deserve what you get!!

Hey Harley...I fixed it for you.  😀 😄

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

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  • 5 months later...

If I didn't fuck with you, who would and make you laugh? 😀

That's the art on a forum, being able to give and take. Too much butt-hurt shit around here. Suck it up and laugh at yourself once in a while!

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