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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #19 2020 April

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Since I’m late to the RLC party I wasn’t aware of the situation of Leora and Malia being best friends. The last time I remember seeing Leora was when she was living in another apartment with her boyfriend Paul. Once they left I became bored with the site and left for quite a while. Then a few months ago I checked it out again to see if it had become any better. I was intrigued by the fact that Leora was living with another girl, not realizing they’ve been real life best friends when I signed up for a monthly subscription. Needless to say, knowing now that they are best friends leads me to believe that there’s a near zero chance of anything sexual happening between the two of them. Another sign that this will not lead to sex is because Leora will only masterbate alone and with her bedroom door closed. Seeing both of them  naked resting in her bed and arching their asses up in the air shaking them back and forth for logical no reason reconfirms she is just performing for the cam, which is a major disappointment. Over the next month I need to make a decision to maintain or cancel my RLC membership which will be determined based on which direction their relationship takes. 

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Yes, I don;t know what Malia signed up for in coming to be with Leora.  If it's going to be just a companion and getting into a little nude teasing.  Then it will be what it has become a predictable event each day/evening.

Other than Leora's lone ranger masturbating.

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