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Discussion: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) #2

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4 hours ago, Dave 27 said:

Now I wonder who that could be!!?😀If I lived in Somerset you would have flitted months ago!!(with no forwarding address)😀

Would have flitted way before exchange of contracts :biggrin:

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"Yes, Make Coronavirus Jokes!"

How could anyone possibly write or post jokes at a time like this? Well, humor helps us take back control and connect. "If you don’t laugh, you cry:" It’s more than just medicine. It’s survival IMO. . “Laughter is a symbol of hope, and it becomes one of our greatest needs of life." Right up there with toilet paper. So keep on posting, they get funnier by the day. JB

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6 hours ago, Dave 27 said:

Do prisoners have cell phones?😀

Only if they smuggle them in with them stuck up their rectum.   Prisoners are usually subject to a cavity search before being placed in a prison cell. Once inside the cell they have no contact with the outside world.  

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6 hours ago, happyone said:

not possible,because Covid19 is classed as a virus and

Antibiotics cannot kill viruses because bacteria and viruses have different mechanisms and machinery to survive and replicate. The antibiotic has no “target” to attack in a virus.

Check out the March 25,2020 article in ATP SCIENCE  entitled " Hydroxychloroquine :  How Does It Kill the Covid-19 Virus? "

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3 hours ago, letsdothis said:

It's what it is now. I don't have a crystal ball. I can't predict the future.

You just love twisting words around. I didn't say anything even remotely
close to that.

I didn't twist anything. That was just my way of illustrating that the 5.5% recovery figure is meaningless.

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19 hours ago, letsdothis said:
  1. It means we are waiting for an outcome on the remaining 482,033
    active cases
    . And yes, that outcome is recovery or death. You said
    it yourself in your first sentence and contradicted it in the second
  2. Why is the recovery rate not meaningful? You claimed a 98% recovery
    rate. I simply wanted to show that the actual recovery rate is at the
    opposite end of the spectrum. I can't think of a single reason why it
    wouldn't be meaningful, not just to refute your claim, but for any other
    reason. It's completely accurate. It's based on the current numbers,
    as we've been given them. What's not meaningful? (That, BTW, is a
    rhetorical question.)

How many of the remaining infected 482,033 are presently hospitalized?

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1 hour ago, Ridgerunner said:

I didn't twist anything. That was just my way of illustrating that the 5.5% recovery figure is meaningless.

It was a ridiculous question. I don't think you'll find anyone who expects
everyone infected with this virus to die. Useless, rabble-rousing thinking.

That 5.5% recovery rate is 100% valid, true, accurate and meaningful
right now. It may be different next week or next month, but right now
it is completely meaningful, certainly much more so than your claim
of a 98% recovery rate.

As more people recover and we stop having 30,000+ new cases every
day, then that number will grow. Whether it will reach 98% is anyone's
guess and no one knows. But, right now, one thing is certain, a 98%
recovery rate is completely meaningless. It may get close to that in
the end, who knows. But, right now it has no merit whatsoever.

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10 minutes ago, letsdothis said:

It was a ridiculous question. I don't think you'll find anyone who expects
everyone infected with this virus to die. Useless, rabble-rousing thinking.

That 5.5% recovery rate is 100% valid, true, accurate and meaningful
right now. It may be different next week or next month, but right now
it is completely meaningful, certainly much more so than your claim
of a 98% recovery rate.

As more people recover and we stop having 30,000+ new cases every
day, then that number will grow. Whether it will reach 98% is anyone's
guess and no one knows. But, right now, one thing is certain, a 98%
recovery rate is completely meaningless. It may get close to that in
the end, who knows. But, right now it has no merit whatsoever.

Logically it does.

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