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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #21 2020 April


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I try to say my opinion on the massages of the two beautiful girls, for Malia is much easier to massage Leora in the intimate areas, because it has a very different shape of the vulva, it is internal, while Malia has a very pronounced vulva and for Leora to pass the hand over it becomes much more sexual, I do not know if I have explained, maybe some girl like SEXY GIRL, can explain it better, however, always FORZA ITALIA 

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6 hours ago, sexy girl said:

Thanks for asking
The COVID19 situation in Italy is improving, the infected have decreased and are decreasing every day, but there are still too many deaths every day .... From next week it is assumed that we will enter phase 2 ... The gradual is slow restart ... Many shops and factories will open ...
We still need a last effort by the Italians to comply with the rules and regulations imposed by the state and we could be almost out of this nightmare by the end of April and early May and return even if never as before to our "NORMAL LIFE" ...😊

It is good to see the figures coming out of Italy, steady decline of new cases, even if slower than we would like.  Hoping that people are sensible when the lockdown starts to be relaxed, and don't go too far too soon.  We're a couple of weeks behind you here in the UK - new case numbers seem to be levelling off nationally, but there are huge regional differences - London is declining but we're treating more patients here in the north than we have done so far, though we're still within capacity and I only did 64 hours last week!  Reckon probably 2-3 weeks here before we can start to relax the rules, but most people do seem to be taking notice and following them which helps us a lot.

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4 minutes ago, Hornygirl said:

It is good to see the figures coming out of Italy, steady decline of new cases, even if slower than we would like.  Hoping that people are sensible when the lockdown starts to be relaxed, and don't go too far too soon.  We're a couple of weeks behind you here in the UK - new case numbers seem to be levelling off nationally, but there are huge regional differences - London is declining but we're treating more patients here in the north than we have done so far, though we're still within capacity and I only did 64 hours last week!  Reckon probably 2-3 weeks here before we can start to relax the rules, but most people do seem to be taking notice and following them which helps us a lot.

Are you direct front line HG?...My daughter's a midwife, but has tended to a few COVID positive patients, so she's a worry 🥴

Stay safe...you're all doing an absolutely fantastic job!! ❤️

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1 minute ago, nagachilli2 said:

Are you direct front line HG?...My daughter's a midwife, but has tended to a few COVID positive patients, so she's a worry 🥴

Stay safe...you're all doing an absolutely fantastic job!! ❤️

I'm a Junior Doctor so yes.  Not on the Covid wards but as you know anyone who comes in potentially has the virus so I've come in contact with a fair few. 

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9 hours ago, daerjohn2015 said:

Thanks,thé flemish cities are top


My daughter is stationed at NATO headquarters and is married to the Belgian gentleman I spoke of. They have lived in many cities since they married back in 2000 as she changes duty stations. They live in the city Binche. 

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2 hours ago, Hornygirl said:

Es bueno ver las cifras que salen de Italia, la disminución constante de nuevos casos, incluso si es más lento de lo que nos gustaría. Con la esperanza de que las personas sean sensatas cuando el encierro comience a relajarse, y no vayan demasiado lejos demasiado pronto. Estamos un par de semanas detrás de usted aquí en el Reino Unido: parece que los nuevos números de casos se están nivelando a nivel nacional, pero hay grandes diferencias regionales: Londres está disminuyendo, pero estamos tratando a más pacientes aquí en el norte de lo que lo hemos hecho. lejos, aunque todavía estamos dentro de su capacidad y ¡solo hice 64 horas la semana pasada! Calcule probablemente 2-3 semanas antes de que podamos comenzar a relajar las reglas, pero la mayoría de las personas parecen darse cuenta y seguirlas, lo que nos ayuda mucho.

en españa llevamos 1 mes de confinamiento y lo que queda todavia, viendo que el señor johnson no quiso cerrar el pais antes creo que os quedan mas de 2 o 3 semanas

In Spain we have been confined for 1 month and what remains, seeing that Mr. Johnson did not want to close the country before, I think you have more than 2 or 3 weeks

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