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Leora, Malia General Chat Topic #31 2020 May

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6 hours ago, philo said:

I realize that many on this forum would like to erase things that occur that they don't want to remember (and they don't want anyone else to remember either).  Leora's last date with a guy to be documented on this forum was on November 8, 2019. @Ean25  translated Leora's phone call and she arranged to meet a guy and go to a bar and then to his apartment.

Sounds like Paul may not be the only apple of Leora’s eyes. It appears she may be taking some bites from several different apples. 😋🍎 🍏 

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10 hours ago, scutus said:

Don't any of you realize that her maneuver tonight, is nothing more than Leora being bored, yes bored !!   At all the posts stating that she is " boring" !!!🤣🤣🤣

Yea, but now she’s given her fans some extra fodder to digest. We can gossip how how boring she is in front of the cams while being such a little trollop when she away from them.
...just kidding if course. 😏

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27 minutes ago, NewYorkJoe said:

Yea, but now she’s given her fans some extra fodder to digest. We can gossip how how boring she is in front of the cams while being such a little trollop when she away from them. 😏

Guys, Guys !!!  Everything is conjecture, like many things that have been posted over the years about Leora, and indeed some members of this forum. It's lacking in the one ingredient that makes it factual.....PROOF!!..... And without, it is nothing more than scandal, supposition, piss taking, and something to liven the forum up with temporarily, until the next snippet takes precedence ..But to besmirch her by calling her a trollop is in my opinion going too far.  

She has done nothing wrong to warrant that remark, and I would disassociate myself from those type of remarks.

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good afternoon beautiful girls so cute so good 

Leora and Malia and sexy girl 


🐨 🗼 👯 🐈 🦨 🐴 🐿️ 🐶 🐱 💀

good evening 

Good Morning 

Everyone have a great day 

Good Morning  Working 

Happy leora family 

A flower for all women 



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