philo Posted May 28, 2020 Posted May 28, 2020 32 minutes ago, scutus said: THE KEY WORDS " IN THE APARTMENT " !! I could not agree more. That's why the apartments where the occupants choose to conduct their activities outside seem to contradict the RLC mission statement, located at the tope of the page: "The Private Life of Other People. Live 24/7 since 2011". 1
philo Posted May 28, 2020 Posted May 28, 2020 4 minutes ago, scutus said: What I post about this apartment is based on what is seen in the apartment ONLY. I do not shadow Leora outside of the apartment. Any posts of activities outside of the apartment, are at best, the result of the jaded ideas the story tellers. Feeding the gullibility of the readers of the forum. By your word usage. I believe this demonstrates a theorem. Thank you for the correct word usage. What part of "24/7" needs word correction? 1
philo Posted May 28, 2020 Posted May 28, 2020 Or is the "Private Lives" part that needs word correction? 1
scutus Posted May 28, 2020 Posted May 28, 2020 1 minute ago, philo said: I could not agree more. That's why the apartments where the occupants choose to conduct their activities outside seem to contradict the RLC mission statement, located at the tope of the page: "The Private Life of Other People. Live 24/7 since 2011". The word usage of the RLC administrators regarding the name of this project has been contradictory since day one. We can play on semantics concerning their choice of word usage. That issue needs to be directed to the RLC administrator. Discussing it here is, off topic of this thread, of the forum.
blas Posted May 28, 2020 Posted May 28, 2020 5 minutes ago, scutus said: Lo que publico sobre este apartamento se basa únicamente en lo que se ve en el apartamento. No sigo a Leora fuera del apartamento. En el mejor de los casos, cualquier publicación de actividades fuera del apartamento es el resultado de las ideas hastiadas de los narradores. Alimentando la credulidad de los lectores del foro. Por tu uso de la palabra. Creo que esto demuestra un teorema. Gracias por el uso correcto de la palabra. nunca, nunca he dicho algo de lo que esta chica, hace o no hace fuera del apartamento, son conjeturas, que yo hago sobre lo que veo que esta pasando dentro del apartamento, o entiendo, no uso el traductor, no se ruso,y por ultimo y mas importante; no me comunico con leora (aunque quisiera). siempre según sus versiones he analizado a esta chica con los datos facilitados, por ustedes, los que llevan en este proyecto desde el principio. lo analizamos sobre hechos demostrados y consumados, esta chica, se comporta cada vez de una forma mas apática, lo cual analizado fríamente, tendrá un porque, que yo, pobre mortal; profano en el psicoanálisis, no puedo alcanzar a comprender, es por eso que expreso mi opinión, que puede ser tan digna, como la suya. Que luego cada uno, lea, crea o entienda lo que quiera;no es mi problema 3
scutus Posted May 28, 2020 Posted May 28, 2020 4 minutes ago, blas said: I have never, never said anything about what this girl does or does not do outside the apartment, they are conjectures, that I do about what I see happening inside the apartment, or I understand, I do not use the translator, I do not know Russian, and last and most important; I don't communicate with Leora (even if I wanted to). always according to their versions I have analyzed this girl with the data provided by you, those who have been in this project from the beginning. And ... if we analyze it on proven and accomplished facts, this girl behaves more and more apathetically, which coldly analyzed, will have a reason, that I, poor mortal; Profane in psychoanalysis, I cannot understand, that is why I express my opinion, which can be as worthy as yours. Then, each one, read, create or understand what they want; it is not my problem My initial post at the start of general chat topic 32. 2020. Was not directed to any single person. It was a general statement regarding the credibility of the posts being made. Which has slowly evolved into opinions being totally biased based on speculation, and conjecture. Without any validity. This is my opinion. 1
philo Posted May 28, 2020 Posted May 28, 2020 Those who want forum members to stop asking questions about what apartment participants do outside of the apartments have some simple remedies to enforce their will: 1) they could get RLC to make it against the rules, or, they could stop the apartment participants from discussing what they do outside the apartment while on camera. Failing to do either of those options, you are only going to frustrate yourselves and get your blood pressure up trying to enforce your personal rules on other forum members. Perhaps you should stop commenting on other peoples post and try offering somethings constructive to the forum. Try that and see if you don't feel better. 2 1
pulo filipe Posted May 28, 2020 Posted May 28, 2020 🐨 🗼 👯 🐈 🦨 🐴 🐿️ 🐶 🐱 💀 beautiful sunny day ☀️☀️☀️☀️ 1
hoppity hooper Posted May 28, 2020 Posted May 28, 2020 There is no way of knowing what goes on outside the apartment, unless someone convinces a member to wear a body cam 1
philo Posted May 28, 2020 Posted May 28, 2020 1 minute ago, hoppity hooper said: There is no way of knowing what goes on outside the apartment, unless someone convinces a member to wear a body cam Some let us know what goes on outside the apartment by talking about what they did when they come back on camera. Then we, the voyeurs, have only to assess the validity of what they said they did as truthful or not. if we deem it truthful, then we certainly can assess the implications of what THEY chose to share with us. I certainly think that that is a valid topic for discussion on this forum.
jimbo4 Posted May 28, 2020 Posted May 28, 2020 38 minutes ago, scutus said: Opinions have absolutely no validity if they are based on conjecture, innuendos or story tales. This thread is titled Leora, Malia General Chat Topic. It does not say NO Leora Supporters Allowed ! That is MY Opinion My opinion for what it's worth has been stated by myself on several occasions and doesn't alter. I see this forum as a place for putting across often different opinions with regard to what goes on with the participants in their lives. There should always be room for all opinions whether positive or in some cases negative to be aired and given as much respect as any other, without insulting or trying to demean the poster of said comment, unless of course the person posting is an obvious troll or has disrespected the occupants of the apartment. In normal situations, if someone states something in a thread, they are stating it because they believe it or feel it should be said. It's unlikely that everyone shares the same opinion, but that is not a cue for those disagreeing to disrespect or abuse the person posting...The disagreements should be aired in a civil manner and if no agreement can be found they should agree at least to disagree and move on...not try to turn it into a " point scoring " exercise with insults thrown both ways... We are all adults, sometimes we should all act like it...including me. One only has to look at the last 24 hours to realise how confused a situation becomes because of various opinions, lack of knowledge both visually and linguistically has resulted in everyone posting what they interpret to be factual. The fact of the matter is, nobody apart from Leora and Malia know the facts, the rest is conjecture, imagination, hearsay, and putting two and two together and making five out of it. Even so, this is still a forum and all members have the right to post, and to be respected for their opinions even if people dont agree with them..But of course its always a better situation if there is an element of truth in what's being written, irrespective of whether its a positive or negative remark pertaining to Leora and Malia. Just MY opinion folks.😸 7 1
philo Posted May 28, 2020 Posted May 28, 2020 For the newbies who don't know what this discussion is all about: Recently some native language speakers have started letting the English only speakers in on what the girls are saying. That has caused more discussion about what they shared that only the native speakers knew before. Some are not happy about that. 1
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